Nemeth Design - Schweizer S300

Thanks! Then I’ll wait for the update in the Marketplace

I have to admit that it was more about the man than the helicopter… Still some work to do, but basic hovering and flying is already going quite well. Learning took about two hours and four sessions. Maybe the latest update gave some assistance too…

I followed the excellent instructions by Belatu42 (stay ahead of the helicopter, be active with controls and don’t give up!), but I would like to add that this helicopter requires wider and sharper control movements than, for example, Cowan’s helicopters. And you really must be proactive and active with the controls. Active flying is what makes flying this helicopter a lot of fun!

Thanks for the encouragement to continue with this helicopter!


I spent some time practicing autos in the circuit at Mettetal (1D2).

There are some definite issues with it, but I was able to achieve successful autorotations.
The biggest problem was that I was not able to manipulate the rotor rpm, it seemed to be only related to collective position. It stuck on the gauge where it was when I dropped the collective, and only would lose rpm if I raised collective. This is not how the rotor behaves during an auto.
…but, even though it didn’t move on the gauge, the helicopter responded correctly to control input. It seemed as though the rotor rpm raised, as it should when I flared, even though the gauge and sounds did not show it.

There is a little bit of work to be done, both Asosbo side and NDDG side, to get this model performing autos by the POH.


guten abend habe eine frage oder ein problem und zwahr habe ich den helicopter gekauft leider kann man den aber nicht fliegen man kommt kaum ab dem boden und wen ja dreht er sich im kreis egall was ich mache und die unterstüzungen sind eingeschaltet kann mir jemand helfen oder sagen was ich machen mus

good evening i have a question or a problem and yes i bought the helicopter unfortunately you can’t fly it you can hardly get off the ground and if so it turns in circles no matter what i’m doing and the supports are switched on can someone help me or say what i have to do

Even after the update v 1.2 this thing still flys all over the place. Hard to keep it balanced in flight im using xbox. I have every helicopter addon and this is the only one that has issues. They need to fix this Asap because really it is %100 un-flyable. If this is how the helicopter controls are supposed to be then it is way to hard for most people to fly it and needs to be sold as professional helicopter. I want this helicopter to be easy to fly and easy to control not something that is way to complicated to fly especially with an xbox controller. Please make this helicopter easy to fly so everyone can enjoy it !

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Are you using the assist options for cyclic and tail rotor?

As Jorg and Seb said in a recent interview, the intent from Asobo is to make helicopter behavior realistic, and then use the assist options to make them easier to fly with certain controllers or for beginners.

Personally I hope that developers don’t make helicopters unrealistically stable. I would be surprised if a real Cabri G2 would really be as stable as the one in the sim, but unfortunately I have not the opportunity to test that out …


What platform? PC or XBox?
Also, what controller setup are you using and do you have the Cyclic/Tail Rotor Assists on?

Is it oscillating in circles? or spinning on the yaw axis?

I am on Xbox and have the exact same issue with this helicopter. IRL helicopter pilots on Youtube (PC users)have said it has the most realistic flight model however on Xbox it is unflyable. I have every other helicopter in the game and have no issues flying them however this one just wobbles and is uncontrollable. Its like you have to be a full seconds ahead on your inputs of what its going to do. I use Thrustmaster HOTAS and have a custom helicopter profile so I have no idea what the deal with this thing is but after two updates it hasnt improved at all.

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Just updated the S300 to 1.0.2 from the Marketplace and I think now Nemeth have ruined it for me, too. It still turns to the right if you move the cyclic more than ~30 percent to the front. But now I have to move it that far to get it going, because of the reduced sensitivity … and no way to go back to the previous version that I loved, thanks to the Marketplace.

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PC Und XBox
Cyclic/Heckrotor-Unterstützung aktiviert Ja
Schwingt es sich im Kreis Ja
Welches Controller-Setup verwenden Sie ARBUS joistik bedale truhtmaster

yup, they totally fixed the wrong thing. cyclic still is 45deg off, but only moves about 1mm in each direction. i guess its more for the xbox-controller crowd.

i dont have Flow pro, but ive seen this done: put Flow’s input display onscreen and the input viewer mod at the same time. then move the cyclic forward. youll see that input viewer will match your stick, and flow will be off to the right. if someone could post a screenshot…

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Do you have the cyclic assist on as well?

describe the circles more specifically. Does it spin about an axis like a top? or does it oscillate like the whole fuselage is circling a drain?

Since the 1.0.2 update it feels much more sluggish. It still responds like a helicopter should, but it’s not as quick/nimble now. I don’t know if this is more accurate to the type, since I have never flown a real S300CBi.

The realism question is very subjective. Most of the premium addon helicopters have a good flight model. Yes, the base MSFS helicopter model is good to start from, if the developer puts effort into tuning it. The biggest issue is the vast variety of control setups that it has to work with. The flight model should be tuned by a real pilot with experience in the type with 1:1 sim controls. As you get further from the ideal setup, you should tune your setup with curves, and then assists for game pads. I believe that is the intention. An aircraft may fly realistic with a game pad, but the control feel will never be realistic because that is not what is in the aircraft. That is not to say that you cannot have a great time with that setup. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve.

As far as the 300 being more sluggish now, for me, it’s not that much different. When you go from type to type, sometimes even aircraft to aircraft of the same type, they fly a little different…not so different that you can’t fly, but you’ll look like a rookie again for a bit until you adjust. That is how it felt when I jumped into the 1.0.2 update for the first time.


I dont understand how this helicopter is on people’s top aircraft list when we on Xbox cant even get it to fly at all. Its the biggest piece of junk in my hangar! I use Thrustmaster HOTAS and this helicopter just wobbles and spins. Ive tried with and without assists on and its just wobbles out of control immediately. It appears to be acting on inputs from a second or more ago.

It’s clearly has issues on Xbox that we aren’t seeing on PC if you’re still having problems with it with a decent controller setup. I hope Nemeth figure it out for you guys as it really is a blast to fly.

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New here, but not to MSFS and it’s many iterations. I am a fixed wing pilot, for what that’s worth, and have flown RC heli’s for a good while. I have flown many heli’s in MS and X-Plane, and this particular heli has a few issues. I haven’t followed this full thread but have been reading the latest. I have the 1.02 version, and find that on my system I still get a pitch forward when appling left lateral control, and pitch up when applying right lateral control. Sensitivity has been dampened way too much and I have to push it up in the control setup. And yes I was able to apply lateral trim. Very frustrating as this is one of my favorite real world heli’s.

Just another warning to all potential purchasers on PC that you really should get it direct from Nemeth rather than the marketplace.
If you buy it direct you have access to all previous versions, so if you don’t like an update you can always roll back to a previous version.

V1.02, whist I adapted very quickly, just feels sluggish and isn’t as much fun to fly for me. I’ve just gone back to v1.01 and it’s much better imo.


Well, that solves the broken co-pilot issue! Not sure I’ll be taking off any time soon though, I don’t think it’s rated for 90+Knt winds :wink:

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My solution for the co-pilot issue:

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Check out this video I made with the input viewer.

It appears to be acting on inputs from a second or more ago.

That is why you will hear instructors say “stay ahead of the aircraft”. There is a lag in the control response and you have to anticipate what the heli is doing. You find the weight and balance control “center” during a two-stage pickup. Then it’s a constant nudge and return to that center with the controls as the unstable disk reacts to the airflow and control inputs.

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Hi Guys,
There is definitely something wrong with the S300, it mixes axis.
I build my own motorized cyclic and that gave me the possibillity to experiment with this.
If i add 50 percent of the pitch axis to my Roll axis and vice versa, the S300 behaves exactly the same as all my other heli’s (HPG H145, Flyinside B206, Alouette 3, Default B407, and Default Cabri) for sake of this mixed axis (offcourse not in other ways as sensitivity etc.).
Conclusion: Or the S300 flightmodel is wrong or all the others are wrong.
You decide for yourself.
I can fly it with or without the correction, but without correction it feels unnatural for me.