NeoFly 2.15.2 Career Add-on Out Now

This program is so cool. Question: is there a way to manually “hack” to add whatever plane I want (including its various liveries)? I tried opening up the common.db file with SQLite Browser, but couldn’t figure out how to edit that to add airplanes or change my location – I am a total amateur at this kind of stuff. Thanks!

I am loving this addon so much. Definitely gives me a reason to play MSFS more. Question though, I just started so I am only flying the Cessna, almost all the missions has me flying to grass fields, nothing around really, is that all I am going to get or do I get to fly to actual airport with passengers the more I play. Like am I eventually going to be able to buy a 757 or something and actually fly passengers to a large airport?

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The short answer is yes, at the moment the data is open for hacking :smiley:

I dont use mods, but I think the best best would be to open MSFS in dev mode, look at aircraft selector tool, find what plane you want to add and add it exactly how it it label in that list.

If the mod had a very similar name to the original, NF might pick it up any way.

Have a look on discord, there are guides on there.

Yes, you can progress to bigger plane as you gain qualifications/rank/xp/cash.

Soon you will be able to rent planes too, so you can access them quicker.

If you havent done already, you can change the search distance to find the kind of mission/distance/airport you would like to fly too.

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I did find some odd missions on offer yesterday. I landed at an airstrip, and found three of those emergency missions within 1 mile of the airport! It might be worth having some minimum distances in there, as the medics/firefighters could have walked that! I ended up doing touch and go’s for those. :slight_smile:

Also, would it be possible to accept multiple missions at the same time, if you can physically meet the requirements? Say, for example, three missions where you have 1 PAX, 200lbs cargo, and one of those drop zone missions where you have to get under 500ft.

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Multi-jobs… Maybe in the future, who knows :slight_smile:

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New update out now. See first post.

‘Folder’ version & ‘Installer’ versions.

You will need your own Bing Key. (See first post or discord)

I installed the original, full version, not the one without an autoupdater…but mine hasn’t autoupdated, it’s still saying it’s 1.4.0??

The auto updater works from 2.0 onward. You will need manually download 2.0 0r 2.0.1.

Hi … I’ve installed the NeoFly app and have downloaded the Bing key, but I have no C:\ProgramData\NeoFly folder on my system in which to place the key. Please advise…

When you create a pilot, it should write a default database to that location.

I opened the Neofly app and created a pilot but there’s still no ProgramData directory … I’ve done a system search to see if it was installed elsewhere but no results were returned :frowning:

It’s a hidden directory by default. If you can’t see “ProgramData” at all, you can go into it by manually entering its name, or by turning off an option that hides certain system files/folders.

Thank you! That was the problem. I’m a recent convert from OSX and still learning Win10… so I dropped the key into the folder but I still get the “Invalid Credentials” error … :confused:

*edit … sorted it … I didn’t realise I had to put the key text into the actual Bing file, not just the containing folder :slight_smile:

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Welcome back to the light side.


Haha, thanks! Also a recent convert from X-Plane and FSE … no regrets! :smiley:

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Small warning, specially for those who use NF on a second monitor and don’t always are aware of which app is active: DO NOT PRESS THE SPACEBAR when NF is active or it will END your mission!

I use NF on a second monitor (alongside with LNM) and MSFS on my main monitor and often am not really aware of which app is active. I often had the problem dat NF would somehow disconnect and hence end the mission without me knowing it. Today I accidently found out that when NF is active and you press a button, spacebar from then on enables that same button! So if you press on Connect & Fly and then hit spacebar it will select End mission…!

The problem here is that spacebar is used in MSFS to set your view higher and lower (landing view), something I do quite often. If you are not aware that NF is still active and you want to reset the view you might accidently end the mission…! So beware!

Really great Addon. Thanks and keep it going guys!
I’ve made a quick guide on how to set it up and go with 2.0


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Ive not had time to watch the video yet - but thank you for taking the time to make it :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m liking it. It’s finding some weird and wonderful airstrips it wants me to crash, er, I mean land at. Fields I wouldn’t normally think of flying to.

What’s on the dev roadmap for it then?