New 3080 build, low FPS

That’s a Cessna, the A320 Neo makes a hell of a difference in terms of CPU load.


Dont think so but will test it later and provide a screenshot.

I had a similar problem when trying to run Star Citizen some days ago.
In my case the problem was caused by the Windows energy settings. Switching to the high-performance power plan fixed it.

Thats correct the load time is way faster. Had a Samsung EVO SSD before and loadtime savings is about 20+ seconds.
For loading the Game and especially loading the next flight.

why would you run 1080p on a 3080?

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Umm… because i dont yet have a 4k monitor? Because i decided to finally upgrade my gtx 970 i’ve had for ages, should i rather buy a 2070 or a 2080 instead that cost pretty much the same as 3080, just because i dont have a monitor to fully use 3080’s capabilities? :smiley:


I have to wonder why as well. A 3080 is basically a waste for 1080P in this sim. I’ve got a 1080ti and am still 99% of the time “main thread” limited

RTX 3080 @ 1080 is a total no no, I understand that the monitor needs to be upgraded but you’ll lose more than half of your potential performance gains at 1080 with the RTX 3080, very valid point by MortThe2nd

I had a gtx 970 and wanted to buy a new card, not used. Options were rtx 2080 or 3080. If the price is the same for 2080 and 3080, why would i buy 2080?

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You are 100% correct in your choice of GPU, it’s an absolute monster, go get yourself a decent 4k display, the 50-60fps ultra club awaits you :slight_smile:

Sure will! probably next month if nothing comes up. Still im baffled how the my system behaves in 1080p. Gotta try to monitor more closely how the different cpu cores are utilized when gpu usage goes up. It just seems so counter-intuitive to me that sometimes the gpu is able to pull 90 fps and 95% usage and sometimes it seems like its just stuck : D

Go to Nvidia control panel and try to set “physx processor” to Auto select or GPU.
Set Glass cockpit refresh rate to medium or low. you should see jump in FPS I am getting 35 FPS on RTX2080Ti.

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Heres some screenshots to show what im talking about:

Both images taken from a location with no clouds or buildings nearby so should be the best location to just check the performance aircraft itself affects.

37 fps, 34%CPU usage, 46% GPU usage

90fps, 43% CPU usage, 89% GPU usage

In both cases none of the 12 CPU threads i have available reached 100%, some got to 80% for a moment but floated around 50% mostly. As i understand it, this should imply that CPU doenst have to work that hard, and the bottleneck should be in GPU side. But GPU still (in cockpit) works like the bottleneck is on the cpu side. Why on earth does the fps and usage% go down when in cockpit? If the load on my hardware increases in cockpit view, shouldnt the usage% go up?

Basically, if the CPU is not at near 100% capacity, GPU should be able to go up to 99%, which is a GPU bottleneck, and if GPU isnt able to go that high, then CPU threads should be maxed out, which is a CPU bottleneck.

Or is there something im missing in this equation? I dont know whats going on here :frowning:

You are indeed missing something, MSFS glass cockpit it’s a known issue, look in your graphics settings scroll all the way down Glass cockpit refresh rate, set it to medium if it’s in High or Ultra. IF it’s already in medium or low, then just wait for more optimization from Asobo and DX12.

Tried it already, doesnt seem to affect performance in airliners for me :frowning: Waiting for the DX12… :confused:

my understanding some people having problem with 3080, maybe if do a search on youtube you can the video talking about the problem. i believe it was jay2cent

I will need to give that a try!

Is that at large airports? I find at JFK as an example that it goes down to 25-30fps and says it’s Mainthread limited.

mainthread limited means it’s limited by the CPU, not the GPU.

Jay was talking about the 3080 (excluding founders and EVGA) cards, i.e. all others - they cannot reach high clock speeds like the founders edition cause the sample spec layout minimum spec was followed by certain producers, what they did was use the cheaper capacitors on the cards and now they crashing under certain loads, big problem but who will take the blame? This problem here has nothing to do with that cause at clock speeds the card still performs perfect.

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Is the PC in powersaving mode?