New ingamepanel like a tablet

Available now!


Hi! This looks great! I use your ingamepanels 12-1 pack on every VR flight… I mainly use the PDF viewer and the Canvas panel for copying clearances and taking notes. Honestly, this is an essential part of my VR flying on the VATSIM network and it is a great product.

Is the tablet version available to people who already purchased the 12 in 1 pack? Does it show up as an update that I can download somewhere? Or is this a separate purchase? Having the panels consolidated on one tablet would really save space in the cockpit and help manage the multiple windows I currently have to keep open.


EDIT - should have mentioned that I purchased the ingamepanels for $12 already :rofl: not sure why I didn’t mention that I am already a customer :rofl:

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Thank you for buying the pack.
This addon will be a standalone product. It will be sold separately, but for those who already have it, the pack panels will only be a small amount.
The rest of the people who are not customers can choose between buying them separately or on the tablet.

For now the tablet is available on my website for testing. I always do it like this to test the addons before publishing them in the store. In a few days I will publish it in the store and I will try to make it in good condition for the clients.

Day one purchase for me , keep it up :+1:t2:

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This tablet is sweet!

It does need a little more work, but it’s already making my life easier by combining multiple tools in one place and in a good default size and form factor, so I don’t have to mess with resizing windows. One of my fav. VR mods already. So far I have been using it to display PDFs, Little Navmap & Navigraph charts and METAR. The scratchpad is also useful. If I used VATSIM it would probably be even better.

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Could you add an option for the VFR map that lets you instantly jump to any point on thr map you want to?

Yes, I could try it in future releases.

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Bought this recently and it’s a must have for VR users! I have a couple of questions though.

  • Is there any way to remove the apps that we don’t use? I only really use the PDF Viewer and Navigraph so would like to reduce clutter on the iPad Home Screen if possible.

  • Any chance of incorporating VSR (Vatsim Radio) into this? I use that for Vatsim and it would be amazing if that could be incorporated into this.

Thank you for an amazing add on.

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I will add new features to config the desktop.
About VSR, it’s hard because I need the source code to adapt it and the developer have to allow me embed it.
With ALL IN ONE you have some apps to fly with VATSIM, try it too.

There’s no Navigraph link. How does it work exactly? Specifically, the new version 8 with VFR capabilities supposedly doesn’t work with their 1st party VR panel. Does this allow you to use it?

ALL IN ONE tablet have an APP with the Navigraph standard panel.

The new VFR panel is not available yet, because Navigraph have not implemented that function for ingamepanels yet.

You can read this forum:


Got it. So you leverage their existing VR panel and not just pipe in the window of the app itself (which does have the new functionality). Thanks for clarifying.

Would you be able to integrate FSKneeboard Pro? They have the ability to run a webserver and write in real time from a real world tablet and show it in VR, and also display a good VFR ish map with altitude restrictions, etc.

if you just copy the plugin in the community folder, you can use everything except the PDF viewer and the NAVMAP ?

All these functionalities are already integrated into different Apps on the ALL IN ONE tablet, hence its name.

I do not understand your question. The tablet has 14 different apps integrated. They are installed like any addon in Community and for example, to use the NAVMAP panel you need to have LittleNavmap installed and running, for Navigraph to work you need to have a subscription to Navigraph and for other panels to work you all you need is included in the installation .zip

Forgive my ignorance…which of these shows the altitude restrictions of airspace when flying VFR? And which of these allows syncing to a real world tablet to draw on as a kneeboard? I know FSKneeboard Pro has a server you can connect an external tablet to that syncs up. And it’s map shows OpenAir altitude restrictions along airspace lines for VFR flying.

If I don’t run the webserver, nor any external apps, just launch MSFS with the plugins installed, what apps do work ?

Wow that’s something i was wishing for! Great job!

Is it relaesed yet on simmarket?!

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