New LVFR A321neo on Marketplace

A 2.0 version just came out, does anyone know what’s in it?

Updated, it’s like the A320 ceo

Unfortunately, the ECAM update somehow didn’t came through. They hope it will be for next week.

I don’t have the 320CEO, what’s in it?

There are release notes on the product page in the Marketplace.

Is this worth is now after updates? I was put off it after reports of CTD etc.

Hey pilots, I have a question about the current cockpit of the A321neo. Now that the “2.0” update has arrived, which cockpit does it use? Does the A321neo have the same “dirty” cockpit as the A319 and A320? Or is it a cleaner one? I tried looking at recent videos on YouTube but everybody seemingly have a different cockpit. :man_shrugging: I guess PC players use all kinds of add-ons. So what’s the deal with the Neo? I admit I’d prefer a cleaner cockpit for this one, as it is a newer plane unlike the A319 and A320 ceos.

It has the ‘clearner’ and ‘newer’ cockpit. Hope it helps

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Thank you, yes it does. :+1: All the new features coupled with a cleaner aesthetic is just what I was looking for in the A321neo.

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The cabins have disappeared since I updated to 2.0. Anyone else encounter this?

I’m on PC version yes cabins disappearing it’s a skeleton. LVFR needs to update it again

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If you are using a mod, which most likely you have, Version 2.0.0 breaks all mods since we include the cabin into the cockpit model.

I suggest you either remove the mod, or wait for them to update the mod for this problem not to happen.

We always encourage all customers not to use any mod, once you do, we can’t provide any assistance.

Have you guys considered removing the satcomm on variants that dont have them??

Will look into that yes

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I bought this a few days ago and performed a few flights.

Without the New Horizons FBW compatibility mod:

  • Very nice cabin, even pax with animations.
  • EFB is average to bad.
  • Cockpit textures and looks are quite bad.

With the New Horizons FBW compatibility mod:

  • No cabin.
  • EFB is the FBW EFB so excellent, with simbrief integration and adapted to the A321.
  • Cockpit textures are the FBW ones so excellent.

So you have to pick your poison, the ideal world would be to have the FBW compatibility mod with the LVFR cabin.

Just looking through these threads but did not see my issue: The EFB has a logo and icons on the left for both the A321 and A318 which I bought through the Marketplace. I can’t get either to come on. I can get the unit to turn off and turn on using the round button, but that is all. No change if I have external power on or even the APU running.
Anyone else encounter this, or is it just me? Have not gotten an answer from LFVR on their forum.

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I had the same problem you describe. I removed the 787 and 747 mods I had and the EFB came alive! I read this “fix” either here or on the LVFR forum. (I don’t fly either very much and hope the AAU2 update will replace the mods I removed.)

Thanks! I have both the Salty 747 and HD 787 installed so I’ll try removing them. The HD 787 previously messed up my Cessna 414 until I used the experimental version.

That worked! Thanks Pacific.
I may try reloading the experimental versions, or just wait until AAU2 releases next month.

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For me it was an easy choice, I never cared about the cabin view in any plane so I went with the FBW mod and it’s a lot of fun. The A321 is one of my favourite planes and the choice between both engine variants and LR/non-LR is really great.