New Propeller | CFD | Soft Body Simulation - Aircraft List

Thanks for the information, I didn’t know about that!

I’ll check on the Fenix A320 Discord just to check and maybe try to clarify what meurkel said above. I’ll let you know if I find anything different.

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Just updating, I looked at the Fenix Discord channel and they confirm the A320 doesn’t use CFD, and at this moment they are just evaluating if it is worth doing so. Dave as on the screenshot is from Fenix staff. They don’t use nothing from CFD itself, but some new features that came with the CFD update.

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For the list - all 4 variants of the WBSim 172 mod use CFD. I didn’t see CFD listed in the sales materials, so I’m hoping maybe all of it, NPS/CFD/SBS carried over from the stock plane… is there a way to check?

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It just gets the stock 172 and mods some stuff. It uses CFD (I checked). Not sure about the rest, but since it is just a copy, I would assume it does.

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Only the 172 G1000 uses everything (CFD, NPS, SBS)
The question would be, are the non G1000 variants using the CFD? Then it would be worth for the list.

You can check it under assistance options ‘‘enable CFD visualization’’.
If this is possible then it uses the CFD

iniBuilds P-40F WarHawk: NPS + CFD

As of AAU beta 1, the Citation Longitude uses CFD. Not explicitly stated in the release notes, but the visualization toggle works, and the flight model improvements in the release notes make sense in light of CFD being implemented.


Asobo/Microsoft sometimes doesn’t offer a complete changelog for whatever reason, so it’s definitely possible that they changed it without mentioning. Listed, thank you.

Touching Cloud Ka-10M HAT flight model upgraded to the native, so no longer uses NPS, just CFD


the A310 uses CFD, here are some excerpts from iniBuilds commenting on this topic:

"The core flight model itself for the 310 is correct when it comes to roll rate and rudder limits. It can be a tricky aircraft to land in a crosswind many airlines even have a hard limit of 27kts x wind which is very low for an airliner. Also the CFD FM on the 310 will make it feel more dynamic. "

"The A310 is also one of the only airliners using the new CFD FM which gives it more accurate takeoff behaviour. "

"Yeah we’re super happy with it, blessed be CFD "

"The flight physics in SU11 are the same as XP now you know with CFD "

"Asobo are also making big strides in improving their physics with the new CFD simulations
X-Plane physics are very good. Every engine will have edge cases which that seems to be; and the sim is still in beta

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A310 is already listed, but thank you anyway :wink:

Cowan Simulation Bell 206 : CFD

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HypePerformanceGroup H145: CFD

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To maintain a better overview Helicopters are now listed seperately,

CFD means they are using the native Helicopter aerodynamic system.

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I have not read thorough all the topic but didn’t the devs said they actually made ”soft body simulation” available to make the helicopters behave more realistic. Are they not confirmed having that feature?

And do you know how we can notice if it is simulated?


That’s actually a good point, the problem is no developer list or mentioned the integration of SBS.

I don’t know if it’s possible to see the Softbodysimulation like the CFD, maybe in Dev mode it’s possible to see, just like when they showcased that feature.

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I will check on their sdk documentation. But i bet it is a different type
of modelling of the aircraft. Like a different material or something. Not in the flightmodel files i think? Well i know this is a topic to confirm. Just wanted to know how to know if it’s actually simulated. I bet it will make the model feel a bit more realistic but they said it were more important feature for helicopters but then i could see on your list it were not confirmed.

Maybe a question to ask in an upcoming dev q&a or something.

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‘‘we enabled it for the Cessna 172 and it’s beeing added for the Helicopters’’

So for the Helicopters it’s used to simulate ‘‘Rotor flapping’’ , in other words every Helicopter which uses the CFD is also using the SBS, I’m gonna add that now.

For the airplanes it can be activated in the devloper CFD menu, there it’s used to simulate some sort of heaviness / less twitchiness of the aircraft body, but sadly so far no developer listed this feature as activated, but it’s possible since Sim Update 9.

Asobo said they gonna roll out the SBS for other airplanes, but they are sadly known for not providing any detailed changelog…

Thank you for the suggestion, now we can list it at least for the Helis and the 172 is not alone anymore with the SBS :smiley: I’m now thinking if the Helis are also using the Native Propeller System? Because each blade gets simulated individually.

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In the Dev Q&A he said it can be seen when you activate ‘‘show force vector’’, if it’s activated you should see short red and a green lines right next to each other distributed over the airframe.


and if it’s not activated you only see one line instead of two next to each other.

I also added a short explainer for each feature in the OP.