New Pushback Addon costs literally 1/2 of MSFS

Great stuff. Many thanks!

Actually, yeah it’s worth making a post. I’m not being negative in any way here; the fact is there is an addon that cost half the price of the sim and I am asking if the community can get some programmers together to develop a free addon alternative that all have access to.

If you don’t think 25euros isn’t overpriced you are free to purchase… no one is stopping you.

Loool, just put in reverse thrust and you can turn your aircraft the same way as shown in the tutorial and you don’t even have to ask for pushback as well. And for this ■■■■ 25€ … I think we didn’t value enough better pushback. The best free plug-in for xplane11!

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I think you are right. Give the devs a few more weeks to hopefully stabilise performance and then I will look into it again. :+1:

“Regular improvements”? …errr when? There have been 2 patches, which have been pretty well non events. Sure, some people have experienced a FPS increase, but as for me, I have not had any significant improvements in the game that I can notice. Hopefully the 3rd patch will be a major improvement…fingers crossed!

I don’t think anyone should work for free, but we as customers have the choice to vote with our wallets.

As you can see in my example above, all the necessary events to make pushback control available in MSFS are already included in SimConnect. It would take Asobo literally 30 seconds to code this into the sim. But like many basic commands currently missing, it’s just an oversight on their part.


Just skimmed the 40+ min. video posted further up in this thread. (FS2crew Pushback Express Overview and Tutorial)

Thinking about the price for the product I am out of words. The mediocre voice recordings aside, nearly everything the app can do, you can do in the vanilla program with some keybinds.


Really think that the development team should be looking at this and trying to provide that much better pushback capabilities.


I have faith in a better pushback system implementation, by Asobo or by some freeware dev.

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If a realistic and fully featured pushback experience isn’t worth $25 EU, then you don’t buy it. It is that simple.

Those that want a realistic and fully featured pushback experience will pay it.

Do you even understand the amount of development time required to even release such a plug-in? And the job isn’t over there either. People expect support. I don’t, because as an expert in these things, I can figure out my own mistakes, misunderstandings of the products usage, and if there are glitches in the product I will find the work arounds and patch when it is released.

But then there are people that are far from experts, and need more help than the manual can provide (or because they feel they shouldn’t have to read it). Then there are those that have a broken computer to begin with, and expect the latest software they bought to fix issues that were there well before the product was even installed.

Then there is an expectation that as MSFS2020 evolves, the plug-in will evolve with it. When MSFS2020 updates and somehow breaks the product, there is an expectation that the product developer will remedy that.

Then there is the whole issue of DRM and ensuring that all the work the dev studio (or indy or solo dev) is doing, is actually generating income. Because you’d be surprised how many people expect to be paid for their work, but somehow think it is OK to not [pay others for theirs.

If you think you can do all of that for less than 25 EU, then by all means go for it. You will be very popular and revered as a saint if you can pull it off.


It’s a big assumption a plug-in developer is required to do all of that. Is it in the fine print and we can get a refund if they don’t? All of that is a big leap of faith.

I’ve read that certain devs on certain planes in previous games did not maintain anything and the planes became unusable after the core product evolved.

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Better pushback for x-plane - that was definitely one of the best addons, and a free one

We might see something similar eventually


Yeah, what a joke. I was about to hit “buy” until I saw the price. 15bucks is a no question support the community blah blah buy. 30bucks is taking the p1ss


Like many have said, it’s early day in this sim. Some early bird 3rd party devs will of course have :money_mouth_face: and think we are all stupid :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: and do not know that FS2020 offers them 10-fold+ market compared to other sims. No need to get angry, don’t let other users tell you that the prices are to be expected (question their motive), just laugh at their attempt, enjoy life, and simply don’t buy and wait for a much lower priced alternative or even freeware. And when they then reduce their prices to compete, don’t buy from them so they feel the pain of their rip-off attempt and never try to repeat it. Send them a ‘Welcome to unemployment’ message. Such 3rd party devs who work quickly for weeks to take advantage of the early market stage and simmers will then have a nice sick feeling in their gut - probably even now because they monitor the forum threads. Revenge can be sweet. Got the message Mister 3rd party dev?

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Then buy it yourself if you want, but ask yourself if other readers will ask themselves why you are also trying to persuade people that the price is acceptable. You do not mention the FS2020 market size compared to other sims. Do you do that to your neighbours when you buy a car or washing machine?

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Try releasing even a free piece of work into the public without doing all of that and see how far you get. Even if you are doing it for free, you STILL have to worry about DRM and theft of your work. Think I am full of it? Look into the issues Zibo had with his free piece of work and how someone tried to steal it so they can profit off of it.

I truly hope the msfs2020 ecosystem grows and there is quality free stuff like in the x-plane world. That probably isn’t going to happen at this point. The SDK is less than ideal, and I’d bet money that a third party developer studio that pulls revenue is going to get more support from MS/Asobo.

I might even go so far as to suggest that there might be some ■■■■■ dealings going on to keep knowledge close to the few studios rather than to the masses.

I was more referencing the post release support and long term support rather than protecting your own work with drm.

The support and them answering your questions is a big coin flip, even if you paid for it. Some devs are better than others but you’ll never know when they’ll stop.

We can only hope Microsoft tries to foster a good 3rd party community, but juries still out on whether they’re trying or not.

Nailed it.

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Quick question, are you the ThomasCarlisle from the Org forum?

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A fine example of the use of the sword of dry humour to cut through all the b******t.

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