New Release - A6M5 Zero and A6M-N Rufe in Legendary Aircraft Pack 1 from Romantic Wings

Because we can never have too many old school aircraft launching the in same week or even on the same day Romantic Wings have released their Legendary Aircraft Pack 1 on Just Flighr consisting of the A6M5 Zero and the A6M-N Rufe plus supporting files including two Japanese WW2 carrier to land on.

It’s a only £17.99 for the full pack which obviously makes me wonder about the quality but it’s on Just Flight not Simmarket and JF tend to curate their store with more care so it’s definitely one I’d like to see some reviews of

The manual is also freely available to download (thanks Just Flight)


I would have bought it if the Kaga had functional wires!

At that price for two aircraft I could probably live with that if the planes are good :slight_smile:


This guy heard the P38 was airborne and just wasn’t having it.


So far noone has managed to implement that. But with the HDS Carrier Addon you can at least simulate it. Guess we will have to wait for the Maverick DLC until we get real carrier operations


You could use the free Touching Cloud Kinetic Assist tool I believe which adds arrester cables. I am not sure how well works as I just used the Hard Deck Simulation one (which is incredible as a product) but I know the Kinetic Assist is recommended for use with the free carrier packs on so may be worth checking those out if it’s the carrier interested in as is free.

Personally I think this looks like FSX quality not MSFS so for the cost you could get any of the really good but fairly cheap planes however it’s cool to see Japan get some more love.


I am all for historical airports, there are lots of them which used too be in US for Training, many, gone, been bulldozed over for houses. Sad. Yes, people got to live, then complain about noise from airports they build houses next to.

I agree: just watched the video, and it looks very FSX. I have a converted Hurricane and it looks better than this. Also while the ships are quite a nice addition they also look very dated compared to the Shipping mod or the Aircraft Carrier mod. Pity really. Would have liked a Zero. Even though it’s not expensive, I think I’ll pass.


Oh wow, what a week for releases. I’ll be grabbing this for sure later.

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Those who grab it, I’d appreciate some screenshots and reviews. I am holding off on this for now. :wink:


I’ll be getting it for sure but it won’t be until the evening on the East Coast since I’m at work.

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Download the Kinetic Assistant tool and you can have wires.

From the video on the store page this one looks fairly low quality visually, but if the flight model is there I’m interested.


For me, there isn’t a Zero that I’m aware of for any sim at the moment. A dev released his payware Zero for X-Plane as freeware, but it had compatibility issues. Based on that, I’m willing to look past visuals that may be lacking for the opportunity to fly a Zero. Also the float variant is a really nice touch along with the extras like an airfield and a couple ships. All of that coupled with a pretty low price from a dev who’s past work I have enjoyed, I’ll jump on it.


Fair points! Let us know your thoughts. I’m especially curious how it sounds. It was hard to tell from the video as I’m sure the narrator lowered the volume so we could hear him.

This link isn’t working for me, anyone know of an alternative link? I’d love to read through this to get an idea of the addon before purchasing.

Maybe direct linking doesn’t work? If you go on the product page and scroll down there’s a link to the manual that worked for me Just Flight - Romantic Wings - Legendary Aircraft Pack 1 - A6M5 'Zero' and A6M-N 'Rufe'

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Thanks, that did work.

Just had a couple of minutes to fly the land-based version.

Texture art critics and rivet counters aren’t going to be happy. Detail is decidedly P3D level, and the shading’s off currently on the ailerons.

That said, instruments, etc. work well and initial quick flight felt good. Handles well on the ground. If you’re a WW2 aviation fan, it’s not the end-all of Zekes, but given the scenery, inclusion of the Rufe, and lack of alternatives, I don’t regret spending the price of a meal for me and the kid at a fast food place. I’d rather have Zero now that’s a bit less detailed than no Zero at all.

More impressions later, but wanted to share a few screens now.


Some Rufe shots. I’m not too annoyed by the graphics overall, but I will say the prop disc is terrible and needs some serious work.