New Release: Aerosoft Bombardier CRJ 550/700

The update is broken so no need to download it but you can bypass that error by manually unzipping the update. Locate your OneStore folder, there should be in the root folder some .fspatch files, they can be opened with 7zip notably.
If no files, uninstall then redownload the CRJ and check again. Don’t cancel the download, leave it looping while you unzip.

Thank you so much. I will try this. I’m downloading the Flybywire A320 so I hope to have more luck with this.

You need to unzip the files in the order they were downloaded and overwrite, so for example if you have v1.fsbase , v2.fspatch, v3.fspatch you unzip from left to right and overwrite

Thanks again :+1:

Download finally finished. My throttles are completely messed up though. I’m just using the little slider on my Thrustmaster TCA stick.

Tried calibrating via the EFB - nothing.

Moving the throttle changes the engine sounds a bit, but the throttle levers in the cockpit refuse to move.

Bit bummed


Possible solution till hotfix:

Delete the aircraft manually from your folder and download the hole thing. Had the problem with the carenado mooney

Does anybody know if this update covers functional weather radar and terrain map on CRJ series ? In case not do we have any information about when at least ? I searched their forum but coulndn’t find any solid answer.
Kind regards.

Nope it does not, as they work with WASM and apparently WASM cannot communicate with the weather radar in the sandbox of Asobo yet…. But it will be available in the future

Which folders do I delete, thanks.

I don‘t have the CRJ, no idea how they named the folder. In my case I deleted the whole Mooney folder from the official folder (below the community folder). It couldn‘t update the fsarchive files.

Thanks. I’ve looked in the Official/OneStore folder and my addons are all there except the Aerosoft CRJ…

To avoid throttle axis problems:

Set and assign Throttle Axis 1 and 2 to the same Hotas Axis on a single Hotas system seems the way to go. Throttle Axis Positions value will show up and reversers can be setup during calibration.


I concur this is working for me also. Figured this out too reading through the AS forum thread, set my axis’s on throttle 1 and 2 in sim options, then in the CRJ EFB options set to dual axis. Throttle animation and throttle works now, just had to set up a separate controller profile dedicated to the CRJ.

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Does someone also have the problem that there is just one livery for the crj550?

Yes can confirm all my other liveries are gone as well

This seems like a buggy update…


Ok, for me its just the 550, for the 700 i can use all liverys

The CRJ 550 only comes with 1 livery, the United. AFAIK it’s the only airline to use this variant.

Same for me only the 550 has one livery, The 700 has all of them . I only have the private for the 550