New Release: Aerosoft Bombardier CRJ 550/700

What kind of update do you need ?

A fully functional weather radar :smiley: everything else seems to function flawless…

No issues with the CRJ for me.

That’s not up to Aerosoft

But why has the Carenado Seneca a fully functional weather radar … for over a year now?

probably because it was not created in a WASM environment, which still needs API support coming up from Sim Update 10 on

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Also the default Asobo weather radar is next to useless it show clouds not actual areas of precipitation.

No you’re incorrect. That was the case at launch but that has been fixed for a while now.

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Thanks, good to know.

Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts are on this plane, now that it has been out for awhile? Looking to graduate up to something more complicated, than the Working Title CJ4 but not as complicated as the Fenix 320 or PMDG 737. I know there are bugs, and reading on the Aerosoft forums, they are beta testing another update. Are there any major bugs are just small stuff that needs to be fixed?

Try the Cessna Longitude with the performance mod and the G3000 mod (sorry, you’ll have to search for them). More complicated than the CJ4 but less than the CRJ. I like the CRJ but don’t fly it because the instruments are too small for these old eyes and I don’t like having to keep expanding them. Other than that I like it.

In some ways, the CRJ is more of a challenge to fly than the B737 or the A320. Because there is no autothrottle, you have to constantly manage the power and be vigilante. I really enjoy the CRJ and have not had any major issues with it, but then I haven’t used it since the release of SU9, so I’m not sure if that had an affect on its functionality.

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The bugs are mainly to do with VNAV and ILS approaches and landing I believe.

Note that the FMS does not integrate with the Asobo default flight planner you need to load a simbrief plan or enter your flight manually in the FMS.

To get an idea what is involved watch the Youtube tutorial series by “the dude” . This is the first video:

Like others already said, the CRJ is actually more difficult to fly than Airliners like the 737 or A320. It lacks auto throttle and reacts pretty sensitive to yoke input. Landing it is the biggest challenge IMO.

It is a great Add-On though, I especially like the -900.

So you’d say that if one already has the 550/700, there is enough in the 900 and 1000 to justify buying them also?

Yep, have been flying the Long as well, with it’s mod and the WT G3000 mod. Great plane but I’m looking for my next plane, larger in size and complexity.

In my opinion yes. They have a slightly different flight behaviour due to their extended length. That positively affects the landing behaviour as the nose doesn’t tend to go upwards that much.
Another point is realism, in Europe the -900 and -1000 is much more popular than the -700.

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Yes. I was hesistating on buying the 900/1000 as well but I’m really glad I did. Enjoying them a bit more than the 550/700. Also the 1000 is even longer than the 900, so it’s like you actually get two new planes as they also behave slightly different.


I also love flying the CRJ 550/700/900/1000, but you can’t talk about the aircraft with real pilots. :slight_smile:
They complain a lot about the real aircraft (not the MSFS2020 model) because they say, "a small aircraft was simply stretched out and the dimensions, such as the wing position, are no longer correct. I found it very funny because exactly what the pilots described there applies to the MSFS2020 model. "The bigger the CRJ, the more unpredictable the aircraft becomes… which doesn’t stop me from enjoying flying all 4 models :slight_smile: - The CRJ is fun to fly, no matter which model. :v: :+1: :sunglasses:

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I personally prefer the 900/1000 but be aware that in the real world they are not flown in the US at all due to the size limitations in the scope clause.

In fact post Covid there are only 39 operational CRJ1000 worldwide, 23 with Air Nostrum, 18 with Garuda Indonesia and 12 with HOP! .

The CRJ900 is a bit more popular but still banned from the US Market.

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