[New Release] Captain Sim 764


• The 777-style cockpit
• Essential functionality paired with default 747 (must be installed) systems simulation

Nothing surprising once again, i’ll let people review it but to my fair opinion you shouldn’t throw money for this.


My expecations as well: a typical CaptainSim “copy and paste” aircraft. Default 747 that looks like a 767 with attrocious customer service


Wow this is terrible. They are basically making money from beginners who don’t recognise how bad it is.


And it’s $29.99…. What an embarrassment.


I was so excited until I read the title :rofl:

It’s uncanny how far this company has sunk in terms of reputation. Back in the days of FS9 and FSX they actually released quality stuff, although their airliners always had some issues.


So, it’s a copy of a 777 that’s a copy of the default 747. For $30.

There’s a market, clearly, otherwise the wouldn’t release this lazy, unmitigated tripe.


Relying on the default 747 system logic means they propably are at least working. Which is more than can be said about other third party aircraft.

And a pilot who is type rated on a virtual MSFS 747 can fly this as well :rofl: :+1: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously I don’t get the hate. It’s what it is. If people enjoy it, so what.


At this point, are we even surprised? Certain “devs” paved the way, some defended them, and now even developers who once used to have an ounce of dignity are following to make quick bucks.

Hilarious that some are defending this while bashing developers who actually do their best to provide good products in the same breath. :thinking:


To be honest: if they sold it for 12.99 I wouldn’t say anything. You get what you pay for.
But for 30.- bucks you can get really decent quality by original devs like JustFlight, Aerosoft, DC, Carenado or Big Radials. All of which at least don’t (shamelessly) piggyback on the work done by others (Asobo) for their plane. It feels a bit like a fake Gucci handbag sold for retail price …


If you’re thinking of getting this, please don’t. Just, don’t.


I think this is most people’s bugbear (myself included), the price point. They’re charging premium prices for a bog standard product.


He didn’t even bother modeling the few changes of the cockpit between the 777 and the 764 so…


It’s a shame that CS is going to this direction, their past products many years ago are somewhat good. Now it’s a copy of a copy of a default aircraft for $30 with extra eye candy :frowning:


well it’s a big plane, costs more than a carenado which are far smaller :rofl:
I mean there must be a reason airliners are so expensive in flightsims, I guess its the size ? More pixels !

People are willing to pay for it. I know this is said in jest, but also hold true! The floodgates have opened for the demand for airliners in MSFS, luckily we have these new masses coming into the sim, the economics are better for everyone.

That being said, I agree with a lot of “developers” taking advantage of the situation. They need the voice of experience in the forums. If I ever buy something thats no good, you can bet ill shout and rant about it on here somewhere. Lol

A fake Gucci still fulfills it’s purpose, and it will look pretty good.



What’s up with that company?! :face_with_monocle: they should invest more resources in developing a new aircraft than just cloning them

At the end of the day, this is what capitalism and market forces are all about. A product is offered at a particular price and quality and if enough people are prepared to pay the price, the product moves. If the product receives poor reviews, fewer people will buy it, prompting either improvement in quality or lower price. There is really no need to vapor lock over this.


Well if I did not already have the 787 and was very happy with it, I’d propably buy a CS in Black Friday sale for 15 bucks.

All I want from an airliner is a large modern cockpit, a really huge plane, well made texturing, then plan the route on worldmap, fly AP until close to destination airport and then land by hand. And please no ATC or any real world procedures to bother me.
I am a bush pilot for all my other flights.

I mean I will propably buy the 737 from PMDG because I think Rob is a nice chap and because I am curious, but honestly it’s likely pearls before swine regarding me :rofl:

I guess the CS customers are just like me when it comes to airliners but want more variety while I can totally live with the 787 for my bi-weekly jet airliner flight so far.

Now I have obviously never flown any CS aircraft, so I am just guessing that they work as good as the standard 747 or 787. If they dont, then that is a different story.