New Release: Carenado Cessna C170B

Looking back now, I perhaps should have not been such a lazy boy and just recorded the clip again. It’s not good to receive and read text messages on a mobile, when you’re in the middle of crosswind takeoff :laughing: But as the clip was just to show off the audio, I couldn’t bother doing it…

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It’s abug and only happens on the Tundra version

The breaks can use a little tuning it’s a bit too much breaking power.

At this point, I welcome any Carenado aircraft with open arms. They have earned my trust. The bugs will be fixed, I am sure. It’s a nice aircraft, I flew it at night in Atlanta yesterday (to test the much-talked about Atlanta FPS issue, I had 20 FPS, yeah… pretty heavy, but doable. SU5 is coming.)

Took it out for a spin and am loving it. By far my favourite GA - if I could afford to fly IRL this would be my dream aircraft to own.

Such a shame it will be locked behind the Marketplace encryption - would love to see someone mod this with a temperamental engine that you actually need to look after and start properly.

Other than the CHT being odd and perhaps an ever so slight sound looping at cruise RPM she flies very well. I ran her through the OnAir flight moderation process if anyone is on that platform - should be available in a few days.

These are my new wings for my ‘pick two random airports in LittleNavmap and fly between them’ flights.

Edit: Other devs take note of the beautiful normal and roughness maps on the interior of this bird - this is how you do it. Also I’ll stop banging on about normal and roughness maps now.


Yes. Got to fly with Julie Clark once, when my company was creating a version of her aircraft for FS2000. That was a neat experience,

I’m just saying that currently most of the third party stuff we see are rehashes of old product. I’m more interested in new developments. In retrospect, I missed Carenado before, so they are all new to me.

One thing that is disappointing is that they don’t offer their planes separately from the Marketplace, so no chance of modding out any flaws. If you look to the modding community for non-protected planes, and third party plane available outside the marketplace, its developing into a very healthy community.

probably going to be this way for the legacy developers as they have top sellers - proven models - they want to bring over to the new sim, rather than develop new and different models while MSFS is still teething.

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I don’t own this one, but one common thing I have found with Carenado is they consistently mess up their camera views for some reason. If they make little mistakes like that, it makes you wonder what else is wrong, shrouded by the DRM.

I certainly wouldn’t mind the A2A legacy aircraft getting ported (and improved upon) to/for MSFS. I especially miss my B-17, my Piper J-3 Cub, the Piper Comanche and the Texan.


Would this not indicate that either…

  1. They cant do it in MSFS correctly.
  2. They dont trust MSFS cant handle it correctly.

Or they feel market just wants more high wing low and slow planes? the PC-12 would be killer!


I have their 172, 182, B-17, P-40, Connie, Bonanza, Cherokee, Comanche, P-51, and J-3… I WANT EM ALL!!! Texan… I haven’t done. Any fun?

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Great fun.

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It’s still a good point to bring up, I passed on the 140 so far because of the look of the interior. Everything just has too much of a plastic model look even where they tried to add worn areas.

Back to the 170, I really like this one a lot. I’ve got the same small bugs others are seeing and trust that they will get fixed. The turn coordinator definitely needs some work, it barely moves from center in full power low speed climb.

The flight model isn’t perfect and falls apart a bit in slow flight and stalls but for normal flight this one is just very pleasant and enjoyable to fly. It hand flies really well. I did good length VFR flight last night and never once wished I had an autopilot, which is not the case at all for me with the vast majority of other planes.

For the price, this is an easy one to recommend.


Well… what we have seen from Carenado so far are the things that funny enough, I don’t have on P3D. And I have 13 of their things there. It will be interesting to me when THOSE start coming over. Because those are the more complex birds. The Short S60, etc… THAT will be interesting. We KNOW they can do the low and slow things really well now. The question remains… can they pull off a Phenom? The one thing that was wicked dumb with them in P3D is… as long as it didn’t use G1000, it was fine (GTN, GNS units were fine because we had RealityXP and Flight1 gauges so… those were fun to fly - no one flew on the default P3D gauges)… Problem is… P3D default had a REALLY ■■■■■■ G1000. So Carenado did their own. It was equally ■■■■■■. So anything of theirs with G1000 or GOD FORBID an FMS (any of their jets that relied on Collins systems) was a NIGHTMARE…

The good news: MSFS has a decent G1000 thanks to WT. So… they CAN bring over the G1000 aircraft (Phenom etc)… The real fun begins with FMS-based things. Can they do THAT? Carenado’s biggest fault in P3D was nightmare avionics. This seems to be largely solved in MSFS. So they have potential to be good. Visually, they are already MILES above and beyond their P3D products.

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See things like this make me wonder…
is it just laziness? is the sim not able to cope with this? Did PMDG have to write tons of code for the DC6? Should the sim not be able to cope with this? Is it just bugged and if so why?

This is what I mean when I talk about the basics? Its an important gauge, you could have a fire IRL at that temp?

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I think it’s a bug that will be resolved. No way they are leaving that as is. But this brings up the same question I always pose in my reviews… DOES NO ONE TEST THIS S###? Like… How do you fly even 1 flight with this and not notice that? Some people say I am being too tough on devs. But I don’t think so. This is the kind of stuff that should have been spotted and never make the release.


I’m not quite sure why you’re trying to blame the sim for a problem that affects just one plane, it just feels like you’re going out of your way here to bash the sim. This is clearly just a bug with this particular plane, likely just a display issue with the gauge.

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Enjoying the plane for the most part, but a few little issues:

  1. The default camera view is too nose down, it’s more like an instrument view.
  2. The compass is a bit dark and hard to read in some (daytime) situations.
  3. When I opened the passenger door in the yellow livery the texture for the door hinge stayed in place (the 3D model itself did move). So there’s this strip of yellow just floating there. It’s visible from both internal and external view. I haven’t checked any other liveries for this problem yet.
  4. As stated above, there’s a bit of a weird sound loop at cruise RPM. It’s annoying.
  5. The CHT issue as everyone says.
  6. The plane has a taxi light (which works with the switch on my yoke) but doesn’t seem to have a switch for it in the cockpit.

I haven’t done a long flight yet but haven’t had electrical problems. Has anyone lost power during a flight or only on the ground? I notice at idle or 1000RPM the ammeter shows very little charging, but reads higher at cruise RPM. AFAIK this is realistic behavior, assuming the ammeter is telling the truth.

Lastly, I find the ground handling to be very twitchy. I already keep my pedals dialed down to -60% sensitivity, which sometimes the sim forgets about. But I ensured my settings were correct in the sim and it’s still pretty wild. Even if this is realistic (not a pilot so I couldn’t tell you) it should probably get reduced a little bit just for usability.


The compass is very hard to read, most of the time. It’s a real struggle to hold a heading or course even in the midday sun.

All good points - do Carenado visit here to check on bug reports?

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