it’s the same for me. is there a fix to this
I just bought this plane SU-57 on the Marketplace and I find out that the cockpit windows are opaque wich causes the plane is unflyable… Any tip about that ???
Well, I can say that many tried to warn buyers on this forum. That being said I am sorry you can’t enjoy the product you purchased from cockpit view.
Considering some of the scenery designers have had updates into MS/Asobo for over a month without updates being released, this will be a lesson in patience…
This is not the first time a SU has broken an aircraft and likely won’t be the last…
If you open the canopy, it allows you some view of the outsides while in cockpit view, even during flight.
Plane doesn’t offer much cockpit panel interaction, has the potential for being the best plane in the game if it were more detailed, in my opinion.
Very fast though!
Yeah because that’s really realistic, opening the canopy in flight so you can see where you’re going…and the potential to be the best plane in the Sim ?? Really ? As you’re a newbie here I’ll forgive you for not knowing how ill informed you are
I don’t think you want to pick a forum argument with YourMom, improper grammar and all over the Su-57.
70% of the time, you will lose that battle every time…
Firstly, the comment about the canopy was a temporary solution to a glitch, not a segway into discussing the simulators realistic characteristics. Secondly, I mentioned the Su-57 having the potential for being the best plane in the simulator, as an opinion, not a statement of fact. So no forgiveness necessary.
I can confirm that to 100%!! Then comes a new msfs update and the desaster of such a plane is much bigger, so you can not see through the cockpit , completly she…!!
ATTENTION the grey cockpit issue was fixed in the newest update for the aircraft which you can download through the content manager BUT the entire aircraft is missing texture pink.
Luckily there is a fix for this which is to uninstall the aircraft and reinstall it
That was required
Are people more upset that the plane’s capabilities in the game don’t do justice to what it can do in real life or is it something else?
It’s probably my 2nd least favorite plane only in front of the A-10 Thunderbolt but I had fun trying to make this unedited canyon run with it and I can’t say I’m as displeased with it as others.
The afterburners look really good. Best I’ve seen of any jet and I own the Euro, F14, F15, and freeware F-22. The air brakes seem unrealistic. I haven’t ever flown a plane let alone a jet but I just don’t think the human body could withstand deceleration the way the Sukhoi does.
For me it would be the Garmin slap bang in the middle of the cockpit.
America claims F-22 is superior to all. Russia claims SU-57 is superior.
Who to believe?
Anyways, just watched this and it got me wondering but it was a very good watch. Subtitles for the non English aspects but some of it is in English.
If the technologies are close, it may simply come down to the skill of the individual pilots.
I just want to know why half the time the plane won’t take off. I am pretty noobish but parking brake off, max throttle, correct drift with rudder. Pull back stick,job done right? Well you know what they say about insanity being doing the same thing and expecting different results? Well with this plane it happens. Sometimes takes off sometimes doesn’t
Because it’s an absolute pile of junk that you’ve wasted your money on
Not really lmao 9 dollars isn’t anything the plane is great you waste your money on your planes and fly the sim how you want I do the same
I didn’t waste my money because I got a refund.
I could not find mod in game
Su57 is now broken with goty update. Throttle moves randomly on its own.