New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

IX kinds of fun
following the advice of former RAF pilots who said - “you didn’t really have to fly the airplane - you just had to think about where you wanted it to go…and it went there”
you can hear them all in their own words describe how it is, to play a Spitfire
Spitfire: The Plane that Saved the World | Netflix

This must have been posted somewhere above, but just in case not there’s some good tips in here Dave Hadfield, Spitfire with a Corsair

That’s a great vid!

Make sure your airspeed is well below stall before pulling back on the stick after touch down! I managed to pull a nose high wheelie on the tailwheel pulling back too soon, and needless to say that didn’t end well lol. Going in I think I might have bounced at a shallow angle, and not realized I didn’t have all the wheels on the ground. It doesn’t help there’s little to no audio feedback that you’re on the ground.

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I’m not sure if it’s a bug : everytime when I fly and I need to go to settings, I pause the game and after, the RPM Controller is back to off

It happen 8 from 10 times

I’ve been trying to induce a spin but it doesn’t seem to want to do that. I slow to 120 mph, yank hard on the stick and apply rudder and it just stalls cleanly and recovers - anyone have any ideas how to get this spit into a spin?

Anyone having trouble with the Honeycomb Bravo and this Spitfire? Not sure if it’s a Bravo issue, a Spitfire issue, or both. But my control input switches are acting erratic, and firing continuously. I noticed my trim wheel wasn’t working after the latest update, so I started messing around in the control options. Then the trim wheel would just roll forward continuously. I reset the Bravo profile in the control options and started redoing everything from scratch. The flip switches above the levers were working ok except with a few quirks like:

  • Magneto 1 control option is linked to the Spitfire’s No. 2 Magneto (used Magnetos Both control option instead). The other control options don’t appear to control the Spitfire No. 1 Magneto (perhaps it’s programmatically set as Magneto 0?)
  • Fuel shutoff doesn’t appear to be linked to any control option
  • There’s a double click sound when turning on the fuel pump with a switch, but it appears to work

As soon as I started adding throttle and mixtures axes, however, the controls went haywire again. Button #35 started firing continuously on the Bravo. But other buttons, and the trim wheel were firing continuously on previous attempts.

Posting here because I’m not seeing this behavior in the stock aircraft I usually fly. The 152 appears to be working normally from what I can tell.

I use a t-flight thrustmaster hotas and have started having random trim wheel events exactly as you describe. For me it happened in the stock C208 and the Carenado PA28 - and it started after the hotfix for the flaps issue. I thought it was a faulty joystick but the thing is less than a year old and I have no problems with it in DCS, Elite Dangerous, or IL2. Another MSFS anomaly is twitchy rudder transients. Again - this J/S works just fine and has no such problems anywhere but in MSFS. You are the first person to have mentioned the trim wheel randomly and continuously rolling forward.

Loving this plane


Yes, also loving the plane. Flown out of Biggin a couple of times now and managed to fly with another Spitfire.

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I’m loving this plane so much I added 4 of its gauges to my instrument panel.


Hopefully it’s in the Marketplace sooner rather than later. The Bleriot XI has been available externally for a few months I think, and it just made it into the Marketplace. The Fiat G-91 has been out since Jan 27 and it’s still not in the Marketplace.

I’m not sure what goes on behind the scenes, but it would be fire if they could spit out the Spitfire a little faster.

I was going to hold out for the marketplace on this one but gave in after reading all the positive reviews and I have no regrets. Great textures and engine sounds alongside what I assume is a decent flight model. I was also able to have a smooth VR flight using virtual desktop on a RTX2060 laptop after an ongoing struggle to remove stuttering. Recommend :+1:t2:

I also had this!

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I can understand people buying from the marketplace, hell I’ve also purchased from there, but buying direct does ensure more of the profit goes to the developer and from experience, patches and updates appear light years before they do on the Marketplace.

Asobo need to sort that out. I cannot understand what takes them so long as they clearly are not vetting the products for compatibility or quality.

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It’s not Asobo. The Marketplace is a Microsoft endeavor. Asobo is one of Microsofts contractors for developing the sim. Kind of like Lockheed being the main contractor for a satellite, and them controlling a number of vendors.


Thanks. I’m still working through redoing the controls here, but I figured part of my problem was that increasing the throttle in the aircraft automatically flips the battery switch to on. If I bind the battery switch to a button on the Honeycomb Bravo, the two conflict. No idea what was going on with the trim, but I’m probably going to try to use one of the Bravo’s levers and bind it to the trim axis, rather than using the trim wheel on the Bravo which fires off single trim up/down button events. Hopefully that works better.

Anyone know how to bind the Spitfire’s fuel shutoff valve? Is it called something else in the control assignments menu? Maybe I need FSUIPC to get some of these bindings to work?

Did Asobo fix the Honeycomb Bravo button issue in this last release? I thought they were pushing the fix off until Sim Update 4?

The problem being, the buttons of the Bravo constantly send a signal instead of a single pulse (there’s a technical reason why somewhere around here, I think @CptLucky8 wrote it), so it messes up commands in MSFS because, (perhaps until this release, but it doesn’t sound like it), it wasn’t designed to handle such a signal. Some other products have been, others haven’t.

Hence the Trim wheel doesn’t work because it sends discrete button presses instead of being an axis. Personally, I prefer using an axis (I use the throttle axis on my Logitech Extreme3D Pro for the trim axis). Others prefer the way Honeycomb chose to do it when they designed hardware trim wheels.

I found it super hard to fly in MSFS till I discovered the using the Trim axis trick. Completely changed the game for me. I hated depending on pressing trim up and down buttons because it could never find the sweet spot. With an axis, I can dial it right in.

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Interesting to contrast this Spit (and the games flight model) with IL-2 Cliffs of Dover and IL-2 Great Battles series.
I keep reaching to turn on the gunsight…

and the MSFS2020 version doesn’t seem to want to stall as easily.

Great to see a Spit in MSFS2020 though, looking forward to the next historical warbirds :slight_smile:

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I was chasing another spit in a spitfire in that blue livery around the area, landed at a few airfields and the like?