New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

But why???

Post was flagged following an objection to the model being flown at altitude without the benefit of a flying suit.

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Thanks, but I was using those buttons during my flights yesterday but couldn’t get the ATC menu to respond. Today I did another flight and the radio did work however. Today I pressed the button before opening the ATC menu, yesterday I think I opened the menu first, perhaps that has something to do with it?

Yesterday I took off from Hawaii, today I took off from Nice, no idea if the location could somehow be related to the ATC logic.

Yeah I think that’s what you need to do: press the buttons first. Cause in the changelog for the new update, it says: “ATC Power now tied to Radio Unit – to be able to contact ATC, select any preset channel on the radio (A-D) to power it on”. Sorry I can’t test it cause I don’t have the plane yet. Still waiting for it to arrive at the marketplace lol

My reply post was flagged also :smirk:

Some very " sensitive souls " here on the forum .

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Difficult to control is not a wobbling “killing machine”… it is nothing like DCS and Il2 Spitfires in the crosswind that do not behave like that. We had a youtube video in this thread of a modern regular Spitfire pilot who said that in the contrary to what is said about Spitfire it is actually stable and well-behaved in crosswinds… the factor that killed a lot of novice pilots was P-factor and too much power on take-off resulting in a spin, not a complete lift-off on one side caused by 10 knots wind even when rolling 30 knots with all 3 wheels on the ground and full elevator pulled back. That is just ridiculous.

Agree about the cockpit sounds. Also, needs the sound/engine tone to run up smoothly rather than the sudden transition to ‘roaring’ at present.


Good point. Thank you. I could not see how to unlock as the locking latch hardly moves visibly, and now I have discovered that it does unlock, the compass itself could do with some improvements:

The lock needs to move more visibly.
There is no lubber line
Difficult to read off as the numerals and lines are really not distinctive enough (A2A’s compass is an good example of clarlty and utility)

Let’s hope nobody brings out a P-47, a P-51 or any American bomber any time soon, we won’t be able to post any screenshots then…


Yes , exactly . Anyways , what were those WW2 guys doing , painting those horrible sexist pictures on the side of their aircraft . You’d think those young fellas , of that era , would have more sense !! :wink:

( P.s I’m sooooo woke ) .


Is there an update, guys ??

Assuming you mean an update to the Aircraft, there was an update sent out on the 13th of march.

That is the last I am aware of.

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Thanks, I thought there is another one

here are the link to download the texture.

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Livery colors suggest it was flown in desert areas?

Indeed, I suppose it was used in Tobruk and surroundings,

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Handsome livery.
Southern England.

Please do not CRUCIFY me when I ask this.

Anyone know specifically what FlyingIron did to inhibit the AP in the 1st update. ?

Yes, we all know the Spitfire never had, or will never have an AP, but this is a SIM.

But in a SIMULATOR, when multiple MP pilots are learning and practicing to fly in formation, INITIALLY, have a rock stable (on AP), Formation Leader, makes SIM TRAINING a lot easier.

I am not suggesting that an AP gauge be added to the Spitfire, although a Hot-Spot to POP OUT say the GNS530, would be a great SIM addition.

I cold very nicely control an AP function in the Spitfire as 1st Released, with a Stream Deck set up with the GNS530 AP buttons.

It looks like this intentionally got Inhibited in the 1st update, (probably as a precaution of the plane getting into an AP mode that could not be controlled).

So, if anyone knows what got changed, and can tell me, it might save me some considerable time looking ,
Not started looking yet, probably a simple 1 ==> 0 in a .cfg file to say NO AP ??

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@N6722C, good on you. I was going to post similar. I loved being able to use the Spit with my AP keys before the last update, especially on long flights or while doing other things at the same time as flying. I did email the developers who replied that by turning the radio on (ie A,B, C or D buttons) the AP might work again. I got the impression that they did not know that an AP would work and did not do anything specific to stop it working. Maybe we could both email them on this? I would prefer they facilitated this rather than us mucking around with files. Cheers.

Ideally, I would like to see a HOTSPOT, that would pop up a GNS530, (full GNS530 with it’s controls, not just the Screen)

Along the lines of being able to popuup a Tablet in some of the planes.

PURISTS need never open up the AP, but as you say, it does have many uses in a SIMULATOR … and lets not forget, this is what this is – a SIMULATOR, not the REAL world.

If only one could set the “Weather” in the real World !!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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