New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

The answer to your autopilot problem is in the engines.cfg file. Under [Disabled Controls] set DisableAutopilotControls = 1 to 0 and the autopilot will be available.


Are machine guns shots simulated?

Many thanks – you forced me to go back and check. I thought I had change that disable a few days ago, but obviously I messed up somwhere.
All working now 
 so thank you.

Controlling teh AP w ith a Stream Deck, allows one to see exactly what the AP is doing and control it.


Heading 360 +/- 1 deg
Altitude 2000ft +/- 5ft

IAS is out of range for the Spitfire currently 279 (which is overspeed for the C172 - C172 Stream Desk Page ).

Now if only I could get the Transponder to be active, I could fly the Spitfire on VATSIM !!
What are the chances that Vatsim would allow a Spitfire without a Transponder ?? :woozy_face:

Radio freqs can be set with the Stream Desk, and I assume the spitfire could also fly a FP, if one was loaded, although I do not see at the moment how one could select the leg – would just have to fly the whole plan
 and refer to the VFR Map

I am thinking a Spitfire, flying around on OpenFs, flying a FP on AP, (so rock stable legs), that other spitfire could practice formation flying with.

Adding SP speed control would really be the Icing on the cake, but is probably not 100% necessary, as the speed will remain stable, but at some undefined amount.

FUN Stuff.

You could even record a AP flight on OpenFS, and then play it back, and practice formation flying with your recorded plane.

Just spent around 10 minutes buzzing around Farnborough

No , no machine gun simulation .

But there is always the " Tac-a-Tac-a-Tac-a-Tac" option !!

( Or , Dac-a-Dac-a-Dac ) :+1:


Elevator trim seems to be “unexpected”

@4000ft speed 200 knots, in level flight, is requiring +56% NOSE UP to fly level.
Would seem to be a little Out of balance (offset)

Is this in fact correct, and if so, why is it not more nearer a zero trim position ??

Also, requires the same 56% UP trim @ 20,000ft which is surprising ?

Edit: This seems to be caused by loading the Plane form the development window.
When loaded normally, all is ok, and level flight trim is about Mid position.

Another strange thing when loaded from the dev windows 
 plane tail lifts, as if it were a Tricycle plane 

I find the trim wheel elevator trim is fine - but agree that it would be nice if the airplane would ‘spawn’ or load on the ramp in the three-point stance instead of with the tail in the air and just the mains on the ground. Some of the parked AI or static Cubs do the same thing.
The Grravel Cub and the Waco among other ‘conventional’ aircraft load properly, so it CAN be done

Much as I would like to have this, I’m loathe to make yet another account at yet another online store to buy something. So I’ll pass and keep flying my converted Just Flight and RealAir Spits until one comes to the marketplace or an FS store where I already have an account.

You are not missing much. Don’t get me wrong it is a beautiful model spitfire and flies very nicely. After a dozen flights it gets, well, kinda boring. The fun factor is there at first, but long term, I don’t see playing it much. YMMV

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How DARE you malign a Spitfire (that sounds like my lawnmower)! What’s next, the Vulcan is a pedantic, boring, flying wreck?

The thing was designed to shoot other things. Absent that, unless flying in formation with friends, it isn’t that interesting.

You have a merlin engine in your lawnmower? That’s amazing! :smiley: Don’t you get complaints from your neighbors everytime you’re cuttin’ your grass? :rofl: Living next to you must feel like living next to an airfocre base from world war 2.

Of course it can’t be the other way around 'cause the plane sounds perfectly fine. :wink:


It sounds good when idling. In the air- lawnmower. :wink:

Lawnmower complainers : – play sound through a decent Stereo system with some decent Bass response, and the sound will shake the room - and your body !!. A low end headset just does not have the capability of reproducing those low frequencies that make the Merlin such a monster.

As for “gets boring” – same may apply to any other aircraft after a time – what KEEPS the Spitfire fun to fly (or most other planes for that matter) is flying with others, and SHARING the experience.

BTW Flying in Formation is not going to get boring quickly, as you are ALWAYS LEARNING and improving, and once you get good, getting even better is an absorbing challenge.


Is the default Robin anything like the spitfire to take off and land. I am not used to tail draggers at all and find the Robin quite hard to take off and land with, I am always looking skyward when on the airstrip

Master the Robin Cap-10 before getting he Spitfire.

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Thank you, its definitely more challenging than the Cessna 152, very different feel. Nice in the air but getting there and getting back down is another story.

When you get the hang of it and it’s all about technique, then you’ll find it becomes easy enough but always stay vigilant. Of course WW2 fighters take that to the next level with so much power that must be handled carefully, but are so rewarding to fly.

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I love the Spitfire, but this is 2021, and it would be nice to have at least one of the Spitfires, as it is now in the RW, with the additions needed to fly in today’s airspace.

For Example.

G_IRTY - in real world is fitted with a small COM1 radio, on the panel just up to the top right of the Flaps Indicator.

It also has a Tablet Mounted instead of the Gunsight – far more useful when flying these days !!

To me, the ideal would be at least one of the Spitfires fitted with a tablet, or even better a small COM/NAV GPS unit like the GNS340 ,

The GNS340 makes sense as it already exist in MSFS, and at it should be easy to swap out with the Gun Sight, and would provide both COM1, NAV1 as well as a GPS map etc etc

Like a lot of current MSFS 2020 planes, this could be Configurable by the user, with some simple config interface.

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Any experienced pilot tested the spins? Back at the release of MSFS a pilot was saying the planes were missing most of the spins, like base-to-final turn, which is one of the nastiest / deadliest ones. I have been flying the bush planes (Xcub / Zlins) and they don’t spin. Or at least I never got into a spin, and I do push the envelope to try it.

I’m curious to see if this is just a flight model defect or if it is something related to the engine of the game.

I would like to fly the Spit, but with no spins, flutter? Just for sightseeing? I’m not sure.