New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

One more Spit to go sightseeing in:




Does FLyingIrons Simulation have a FORUM or a DISCORD ?

What is their procedure for getting any technical support or reporting bugs ??

email them directly flying iron sims contact page

as for discord i dont know but having picked up the spit yesterday iā€™m happy again in flight sim and found the radio controls to actually fly around and talk to ATC

im tempted to buy a 3d printer and try making the authentikit controls on this bird now

Flying Iron Discord Server.

Took some effort and even then, I could only induce a spin once out of about 5 attempts. Slow to 100 mph, then pull the stick about midway and apply a bit of rudder. Most of the time it feels like itā€™s about to spin but it just noses over and you regain control authority. Once it entered the spin, the usual approach of cutting power, ailerons and elevators neutral, and opposite rudder recovered the spin in about 5,000 ft. It may recover in a shorter amount of time, but I spent a few seconds observing if it tended to flatten out into a flat spin (it does, so recover your spin quickly).


Thanks a lot! I wonder if this is a flight model problem or a game engine problem, because we have similar issues with the standard planes. The atmosphere feel is way better in MSFS compared to Il-2 and ROF, but it lacks these important flight model details.

I never get bored of flying this plane, especially since take-off and landing is very demanding. As for the GPS radio, the developers are considering adding such an option.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Flyingiron Spitfire MK IX - landing training - YouTube

disregardā€¦ flight model was set to legacy, same as noted before

I have the same trim issue, full nose down trim (indicated on the instrument panel and joystick calibration screen) and significant forward pressure on the stick just to keep the nose down and level flightā€¦ looking in the external view the elevators are noticeable deflected maybe 50% downā€¦ again to keep level flight. Without full nose down trim, forget about flying at all. The moment you ease the stick to a neutral position it will violently pitch up. Not what I would say is normal. How many others are experiencing this?

Anyone know how to fix the cockpit camera on the plane?

When you use the hatswitch left and right it seems to look down, not left and right over the wings or back?

Try this one


Thatā€™s done the job! Thanks very much!

It doesnā€™t handle like the Spit in either IL-2 CloD or IL-2 Great Battles and I think this is the MSFS2020 flight model. The MSFS2020 version feels a lot moreā€¦pedestrian.*
I sadly donā€™t have the DCS version but that would be an interesting comparison alsoā€¦

*I love the work flyingIron have done, this is a great plane. I think the issue lies with the Asobo flight model.


the DCS spit is hard work to fly to start with , other guides recommend quite heavy modification to reflect the actual flight stick travel of the real world aircraft especially in pitch on that platform and for me to get that one satisfactory to fly i had a lot of curve on its pitch axis , the asobo stick sensitivities are nicely tunable to give them some credit and you can limit its pitch axis ā€¦ iā€™d say the asobo flight model is not entirely natural and typically flight simmish in that its largely read from tables compared to xplanes simulation of airflow but it does feel nice and agile exactly as a spitfire should

also bear in mind the differences feel quite noticable on the two variants flying iron have given and the clipped wing is noticably snappier in the roll axis ā€¦ if your going for aerobatics id go with the clipped wing whereas the standard winged aircraft is going to be that little bit more stable cruising along

Thatā€™s what I thought, but one of the MSFS trailers had a plane going into a spin. I have no real life flight knowledge to pinpoint the problem, but I hope to see real life pilots testing these planes and addressing the issue, be it a code limitation or a module limitation.

Can find it on GotGravelā€™s discord channel. Link to this on the Flying Ironsā€™s discord channel. Last one is good for checking for future updates on this bird.

Is there a specific discord group out there where guys just fly the Spit for sightseeing (e.g. UK area) or formation flying? Would be interested in such.
Groups in the multiplayer section here either seem to focus on GA or airlines but nothing Spit-specific. Flying Ironā€™s dicord voice channel seems to be empty most of the time. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Flew into a group of 3 Spits the other day when departing south of Loch Ness. These guys where following a leading twin engine and it seemed they were flying mostly in formation. Was not intended from my side to interrupt their training but I enjoyed a lot to follow them all the way to the Isle of Tiree where they finally landed. Since we have no option to directly communicate within the simulator I was not able to figure out who they were or if they do such flights regularily.

One of the BIG feature missing in Multiplayer, but if it were there, such a potential source of ā€œconcernā€ ā€“ so I accept it is what it is ā€“ and everyone is ā€œsafeā€.

For Groups that want to fly, ā€œcommunicateā€, and welcome in new pilots to fly with them, there are options.

One is Flight Events, where a group can set up and fly, and have their flight associated with an announced Discord Server, (or any other communication method), so that everyone can communicate, either by Text or audio.

One of the BIG feature missing in Multiplayer, but if it were there, such a potential source of ā€œconcernā€ ā€“ so I accept it is what it is ā€“ and everyone is ā€œsafeā€.

I agree.

For Groups that want to fly, ā€œcommunicateā€, and welcome in new pilots to fly with them, there are options.

One is Flight Events 2, where a group can set up and fly, and have their flight associated with an announced Discord Server, (or any other communication method), so that everyone can communicate, either by Text or audio.

Thank you for the information. I will have a look at this, seems promising.
I was just wondering if a group of happy MSFS spitfire pilotā€™s is already established, similar to bush pilots, bush league legends, etc. and I somehow have missed that. Havenā€™t seen any announcments in the forum calendar so far.

Scotland for example is way to cool to explore it on my own.

The FlyingIron Spitfire is a magnificent Warbird. It is demanding on takeoff and landing. It is superb realism in VR. However, I have a problem, in VR precisely. In VR, when the engine is running and you are in an external view, the image trembles and this is unpleasant. When the Merlin stops, no more tremor. Do you know if we can stop these tremors? Thank you for your help.

Disable camera shake at option menu.