New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

Not really sure what I was expecting with this plane…

But for <$30 HOLY SMOKES. It’s so nice. SO NICE.

Looks great, sounds great, flies great, lots of important working switches, knobs an levers (had an interesting time finding the battery switch) :slightly_smiling_face:.
Seems a little nose heavy on the ground, tipped over few times not being careful enough with wheel brakes. But hey, that’s a pretty big engine it has up there.

FlyingIron, you’ve moved up to the top of my list. Great job :+1: :metal:


We found this very informative Film by Dave Hadfield.


I recommend the documentary aptly called “Spitfire” to anyone who even has a remote interest in this aircraft. Fascinating and great footage!


Thanks a lot for the tip !

Remembering ‘The Few’ and also those Ladies who kept them in the Air.![p02bpzhq|690x388](upload://1xO79lHTfTHtYIbwu8xAIUD68eX.jpeg)


I bought it (converts to about 23EUR, dirt cheap for what you get really)

It looks very very good, flies very good, and boy is it a beast to takeoff and land! I suppose IRL it was slightly easier due to having all senses help rather than just the visual sense in a sim), but that thing must have been a lot of fun (and terror) to fly!

Systems seem simulated to quite a deep degree, and it definitely got my heart rate up trying to take off and land, a bit like my first solo a long time ago, so it is really good!

Any good tutorial videos to help with the takeoffs and landings?

This is the best one I have seen by a real spitfire pilot (Dave Hadfield), about 7 minutes into the video. Cheers!

Fly A Spitfire – With a Corsair! - YouTube


I practiced a bit today, and got to the point where my landings were quite acceptable!
Takeoffs are different matter, I should start at 90 degrees to the runway then it takes off in the proper direction :rofl:

2 Questions though, do you use certain power settings (boost & RPM) at certain pattern positions, or just wing it?
Flaps out on final, or abeam threshold?

I do have to say, the aircraft is very very good!

Obviously I can’t judge the flight model, it seems plausible to me; but the sounds and cockpit are soooo good! There’s so much detail even in VR, and everything is crisp and feels real!
Immense enjoyment for not much money!


Duxford is a good one. You can use the grass if you don’t like concrete or asphalt.

Flaps setting only has up/down and sends the aircraft into a violent nose-up pitch on final when deployed. Bit weird. Other than that, it’s fun to fly.

It’s a Spitfire, and it only has a landing flap with two positions: up or down. Check your approach speed/threshold speed:
Power on/Flaps down -90/85 mph Glide/Flaps down -135/105 mph

why i have no Mashine gun Pods ???

best regards

Because Microsoft doesn’t allow planes with weapons in their store. That’s why FlyingIron needed to remove them to be allowed to sell the aircraft in the ingame store. Maybe they can help you if you contact them on their site: :wink:

Actually I don’t believe the Spitfire ever had visible machine guns. They were “hidden” in the wings for aerodynamics purposes and covered by a fabric patch which also helped add a few knots. The patches were designed to be blown away when the guns were first fired - and were then replaced when back on the ground.

Wait, but the YouTube reviews clearly show the two Hispano cannons. You mean that the Marketplace version has no cannons?

Yes, to keep their PEGI rating, anything in the Marketplace has to remove weapons. It’s going to be the same with the Corsair. The Dev said that they had too. So, if you want the version with Visual Hispano Gun pods (in Flying Irons Spitfire) and working features (in the Corsair), you’ll have to get it direct from the vendor.

There were many variants for the Spitfire. The Flying Irons version did have the external gunpods that reviewers got direct from the FI. I have the Marketplace version and was surprised too. But it does make it easier to see the ground without the guns :slight_smile:

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Cool, thanks! I was going to get screwed! I’ll get it from the vendor.

I’m surprised by this. The F-15s are bristling with weapons, but they’re only visible if selected by the user via the payload manager. Microsoft knew about this as I checked with them first. The fuselage-mounted cannon on the Eagle is also present.

It might be worth devs adding vis conditions so that when the weight of the guns are added, so the guns and barrels appear.


I only bought the old warbirds and read stuff in these forums. I don’t know any particulars beyond that. This is the conversation in the Corsair post from a while back: MilViz Corsair for MSFS to be released any day now - Third Party Addon Discussion / Aircraft - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums