Well, there we have it… This looks like another half-animated cockpit product and god-knows what else is wrong from MScenery while the price for every aircraft they do is creeping up. This is now the 3rd warbird they have… uh… “released” while the other two remain in a horribly unfinished state with no meaningful updates. I am staying away from this one.
Jep. And most of the MScenery cities look like they come straight from …
Interesting that Google hasn’t had the hammer of God fall onto them for making money ripping GM …
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I don’t think they are even aware of it. Who the heck is MScenery? It’s one guy in Russia. Ya know? (I know that because I had the misfortune of communicating with him due to the fact that their two currently released aircraft are incompatible with EACH OTHER and I have the displeasure of owning both of them)… So after like 1.5 months of promising a fix and nothing materializing while he is promising the big update on the F-18 he finally sent me a test build of the new F-18 (which simply fixes the incompatibility)… You see, both of those models used a folder called “Old Reliable Aircraft” in your user’s SimObjects directory. Which means if both are active in load order, only one would actually show up in the sim… I was the one who alerted him of that issue and it STILL took him over a month to fix it - mind you, since he only sent ME the test build, no other users of them are still able to run them concurrently as he STILL hasn’t updated the “official” release. NOT that it matters, cause I never fly either of those two garbage aircraft, but at least now if I WANT TO, I CAN have both active in the sim. Just shows how much of a hack “developer” he is. ME - someone who has ZERO experience with development of any aircraft for any flight sim had to find his error and point it out to him before he actually did anything about it a month and a half later (and then only by e-mailing me the fixed version of the F-18, while the MiG-15 STILL uses “Old Realiable Aircraft”)… in the meantime, he had the time to ■■■■ out another “product”… Shameless…
dont buy anything from this so called “developer”
He is only interessted in earning money fast, but these products are un-finished and horrible developed and buildt
It’s really sad that Simmarket doesn’t kick people like him off but prefers to make more money off ■■■■ like that.
I try not to buy anything anymore from simmarket if I can avoid it. First address is always the developer for me, second is Nels Anderson’s Store and JustFlight. Then the Marketplace. Only if I really want it and can’t get it anywhere else (which is not very likely) I will use Simmarket.
Didn’t know that the A-4 is a STOL aircraft. It took off at less than 70kts in an almost level attitude.
SimMarket are vultures too. They don’t care about anything. When MScenery’s aircraft stopped working, I asked for a refund because the product has become non-functional and after 1.5 months of asking for a fix, nothing has been done. Refund was denied. I then opened a dispute for 11 Euros through PayPal. IMMEDIATELY, SimMarket blacklisted me and I was no longer able to access 30 products I have purchased through them. They demanded a PayPal payment of 11 Euros to reinstate my account. I had to go to PayPal and close the dispute at which point SimMarket reinstated my access to all my products. Thankfully, PayPal was gracious enough to refund me money out their THEIR OWN POCKET. It’s not even about the money, obviously, but about me trying to send a message that MScenery’s stuff won’t be tolerated. It obviously didn’t go well and I had to retreat. I am not buying anything through them unless I HAVE TO and I can’t get it elsewhere.
Yeah, I’ve heard about SimMarket’s practice of blacklisting people, pretty disgraceful really. Having said that, I do buy products from them, but only scenery, wouldn’t dream of buying aircraft from them because they don’t do refunds.
Well, I just thought of ONE thing I can do: stop promoting them. MScenery and their products don’t exist in my world at this point and I don’t think I should give them any more visibility. Therefore, on a thread where I have all payware aircraft released thus far, I will remove their entries (along with Papercraft’s products as they have shown to be fictional planes with no real-world counterparts)… So, if you make fictional aircraft or something SO BAD that consumers should stay away, they won’t be listed there. Bredok gets to stay as their stuff, while not good, at least attempts to mimic something real.
P.S: I don’t think Asobo counts them either (in the number of released aircraft they publish in their Dev Updates)…
Had a similar experience with them a few months ago, it’s quite simply the most awful and trash-filled store for FS2020 addons.
I cant believe they can ask money for this one- its absolutely baffling. The DCS one is so much better and absolutely free
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Highly detailed model, fully animated
3D cockpit animated 75% (all gauges animated)
Frame rate friendly in single and multiplayer
Highly detailed Textures,4k-8k, high definition, PBR
Real sound added soon
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There seems to be a problem of low quality shovelware in the msfs ecosystem , as well as vendors willing to sell shoddy products . I can only hope that this is a temporary thing with “devs”(and i use that term loosely here) go for the low hanging fruit while theres relatively little in the way of compelling 3rd party products to compete against
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I think it’s a thing with ANY sim… Just that MSFS is so new and there is not THAT much available in terms of aircraft right now, so this blatant garbage is THAT much more visible. Take something like P3D with several hundred available aircraft and the garbage gets lost. No one even talks about it.
Highly detailed model, fully animated (it might be all wrong, but it’s fully animated… when it works… sometimes. You MAY have flaps moving in opposite directions, but… who cares?)
3D cockpit animated 75% (all gauges animated) (well… make it more like 25% and the gauges are definitely animated. They don’t really show anything correct all the time, but boy do they they move)
Frame rate friendly in single and multiplayer (So you can go zoom-zoom in your toybox…errr… A-4)
Highly detailed Textures,4k-8k, high definition, PBR (That we didn’t really do ourselves and got it for a couple of bucks from that same source we got the other 2 planes from)
Real sound added soon (MAYBE in a few months after our supply of cheaply available models dries up following our 297th aircraft release, we will find something that sounds somewhat similar, or at least import the REAL sound from our vacuum cleaner)
I figured it was the fact that msfs is new and theres a bit of a vacuum , but i couldn’t say for.sure. IL2 doesn’t have any 3rd party aircraft, and DCS is both curated and features a very high barrier to entry in terms of spaghetti code and additional items u dont see modeled on civ sims.i briefly tried and disliked both fsx and xplane, so i couldn’t tell if garbage proliferated in mature ecosystems like them or not. In any case, lack of other aircraft make life easy for mscenery, bredok3d, and papercraft
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I generally try not to speak badly about devs as a rule, im amazed by what can be done qnd how far this hobby has come: my first taste of a flight sim was the original msfs in the early 80s on a monochrome Macintosh …9" screen i think…
But there are devs who knowingly bring shoddy, half baked products to market who make it very hard to find anything good to say
There are also vendors who knowingly sell shoddy half baked goods- looking at you asobo& simmarket, to name a few, but unfortunately we’re a bit limited with vendors
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I agree… Marketplace isn’t Asobo though, it’s Microsoft. But Aerosoft sells Perfect Flight products too, which is another scam. In reality, they are all full of it. The only one I see that doesn’t have garbage is Orbx.