I took the EMB-110 up for a flight last night after downloading the 1.53.0 update. The issues with the AP and the WT GNS units are solved.
I still stand by my assertion that there just isn’t another plane in the Marketplace like it. I’m on the edge of my seat knowing there is still the 2.0 update pending.
EDIT: I did note that the CDI a needs to be cycled from GPS to VLOC and back to GPS to get the NAV function of the autopilot to work if utilizing GPS tracking.
Also, and I believe this is a sim issue because same problem exists on the V35B, the SELECT ALTITUDE BUG and MINUS/PLUS keybinds are not adjusting the altitude on the KAS 297B. I’m having to do my adjustments via mouse and the knobs on the unit itself.
Reported the KAS 297B issue here:
KAS 297B Unable to Adjust Altitude via “Select Altitude Bug” & “Plus/Minus” Controls Options