New Release: NextGen Simulations' Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante

Pretty poorly. FPS in the cockpit is 50% of other aircraft (note, I’m on a 1080, you might not experience this on a 30XX but the developer acknowledges it’s because they are using tons of XML gauges from FSX instead of upgrading to HTML, that said they’ve also mentioned that Asobo can fix this with GDI+ rendering instead of GDI but who knows when that’ll ever happyn), RPM needle doesn’t move when adjusting the prop levers. Engine audio loops. It has a lot of promise but it’s still just not there.


It just did it to me again with a different flight plan (although the same departing airport).

It’s strange, I bought it last night and had no issues on my first flight. I flew it this AM and had no issues on that flight.

The last three, however, have failed in the exact same way. It’s just so sudden and unexplained.

I’ll be keeping an eye out for that autopilot departure issue. A couple nights ago while departing KINW (using XBOX-X), I had an issue with autopilot descending instead of climbing when I activated it after takeoff. I was able to disengage and recover, and assumed I had accidentally set a descent rate instead of climb rate. But maybe it was evidence of that glitch.

Meanwhile I got acquainted with executing an ILS approach through IMC conditions in the EMB-110 a couple days ago and had a great flight from KGCN to KFLG doing it:


Still at a mystery with the AP on this plane. It gave up on the flight plan in NAV mode and just started flying some other path. Neither AP or NAV having been disengaged. Default Garmin/GPS
I like the look of this aircraft, but it seems like it has strange AP behaviour that is then hard to recover from (think suddenly upside down aircraft and likely crash) after you disengage AP to go take manual control. Is just it me?
I will give the GTN750 a go, but I’d prefer to be flying rather than testing out different Garmins.


I use GTN750 and it Works fine on PC.


I’m on PC. Just tried it with the GTN750. No flight plan, got it to hold ALT, but it seems to hang onto HDG too without having HDG selected, so to change course I disengaged AP to manually chnage course and aircraft literally drops 1000ft in altitude and I get a damage warning and sim exit due to this plunge. I am almost giving up for now.

I did, after the third flight in a row of the sudden and unexplained rollover and crash issue shortly after TO with AP engaged.

It’s so weird, since I had my first two flights go fine. I’m taking off from the same airport I usually do, setting up the AP on the ground beforehand and engaging it around the same point post-takeoff.

I’m nearly doing the exact same thing every time and yet…

This all was on my Xbox, too. I’ve been flying there for the last few days. I tell you this since you know I won’t have a bunch of mods/add-ons installed that could be causing conflicts.

I was wondering about mods, but I don’t have any specific to the EMB-110 in fact the first mod for it was today with adding the GTN750. I too was fine for first couple of flights. I also had a problem free flight this morning. I think I’ll park it for now, as it’s taking up too much of my time trying to figure this out.

Relative newbie in flight sim and flying on xbox S. At first I had weird issues with the plane dropping from the sky, avionics switching off after take off, AP not following flight plan, etc. After flying the plane regularly for a week or so it is now smooth, I do DIR, ILS approaches, operate GS530 and I don’t get weird behaviours beyond MSFS known bugs which means I wasn’t doing things right… Given we are starved for good planes on XBOX this is a joy to fly.

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I like the aircraft, I just can’t figure out what’s going on with the AP. It may just be me. I haven’t experienced all the Garmin models much tbh as I’ve mainly flown jets. On the aircraft I have used AP on like say the BN2 Islander, I’ve never seen an issue like this. It’s strange. I even reinstalled it.

Mine is flying pretty smoothly and I have really enjoyed it so far, the only time I had issues with the AP was at first when I turned it on and I didn’t have the vertical speed set correctly after takeoff and it then tried to nosedive me, but I have since been good about getting the VS set correctly. I am on XBox X.

I’m on Xbox and so far no issues with AP. Flew a 1-1/2hr flight with AP on and no issues. Now if I could get the other aircraft off the runway in a timely fashion…

Solution to the Autopilot issue…

Make sure if you had external power on before startup, that it is on battery mode… It automatically goes to off when you start engines and that must have conflicted with the autopilot as I have found…

I am currently doing a flight from Taupo to Auckland and after a number of flights previously without problems I selected autopilot like usual and the plane started banking to the left, it just rolled… Got it under control same thing happened again…
Looking around the cockpit to see what switches I had flipped (I had aircon on being a steaming hot day in Taupo in real life…) Turned them off…
Still banking to the left…

Looked up and saw my battery switch was in the off setting…
I had it in external power and when you start the engines it automatically flicks into off setting and I have selected battery power and…


Anyone having autopilot issues…

Check if Battery option is selected… That has fixed it for me


How is the turboprop?

Hang on. You’re saying when you start the engines the switch is automatically being toggled from Ext. Power to Off?

I’m pretty sure, however, that the checklist has us turning on battery power after a start, which I follow.

I will check it out though.

Thing is, the plane is so out of control that I can’t even recover it when I take control as I flick off AP. It seems like something far more drastic is happening.


On XBox, I haven’t had aux battery switch off automatically after engine start. I’ve had to switch to internal battery manually. Both the Nextgen and actual POH procedures indicate the switch should be done manually after engine start. Would be interesting to test and see if leaving battery off after engine start & takeoff would lead to the autopilot glitches being described.

Would also be interesting to see what aircraft configurations are when the issue occurs…were flaps fully up, what was airspeed, roughly what climb rate was when engaged & was A/P in ROL, NAV or HDG mode & was a vertical speed engaged when it started the crash roll…I may start recording takeoff segments for a bit to see what was going on if it happens on one of my flights.

I had a limited amount of time being the festive season and my partner went out to do the groceries.

So I did a quite flight and was a bit rushed and I had the ext power on and forgot all about it and it was during the climb, everything was all tidy, AP in nav mode, power and conditioning slightly reduced and was doing 140knts and when it went to bank to the left to follow the next way point… she just carried on rolling…

Took control, got everything trimed back again, selected AP and over she goes…

I selected heading and trimmed everything again and settled the plane and selected AP again and it was yawing to the left and right struggling to keep straight, gave me some spare capacity to look for any settings that I hadn’t used before such as the AC, turned that off, plane was still behind erratic with the left and right yawing then looked up in the overhead panel and saw that I had forgotten to BAT power, turned that on, re-selected nav mode and everything was fine… carried on with the rest of the climb and had a perfect ILS landing at Auckland…

It actually happens, I discovered, when I had finished a flight a couple of weeks ago and I tried selecting EXT mode but it kept on flicking to the off position when I was on the ground…
By chance when I did turn around return flight.
I had the pad open and had selected the chocks and maybe the parking brake that I was able to select EXT mode

Wondering if you have it in EXT power and start the engines take off that it flicks off to off position

Just did another flight…

Confirmed…For my aircraft anyway…

If I forget to change power mode from EXT to BATT it will go into off mode on take-off and it will cause the roll while in AP.
But selecting BATT in flight will fix the problem

I deliberately kept the power in EXT during start up, set all the usual stuff on the GPS, set up AP, nav mode on GPS etc.
Climbed out and selected auto pilot, fine until the next waypoint when the aircraft started to enter the death roll.
Checked the power mode which was in the off mode, selected the normal BATT mode, selected the AP mode and everything was fine…

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This is very interesting thank you. Will give this a check over today. FYI I have most commonly started with engine pre started on the runway, but I certainly haven’t done a check of the battery, inverters and ext power.