New to Flight Sims - Throttle *Updated*

Hello, thank you for having me!

I joined here to simply ask based on experience, what you would suggest a beginner like myself.

My aim is to do GA so really, MSFS 2020 only.

I am new to flight sims with my only experience being over 20 years ago on a Microsoft Sidewinder.

I ordered a VBK Gladiator Premium which arrives next Tuesday however I also ordered a Thrustmaster Flight-T to hold me over; I am enjoying the TM so much I now want to order a throttle to pair with my VBK.

Contenders are Virpil CM3, TM Warthog, and Winwing Orion F-18

Virpil seems more aimed at GA, which would be better suited for me but the software nightmares I’ve read and watched are a little off putting.

The Warthog seems to play very well with MSFS as far as mapping goes, but seems to leave out some of the items found on the other 2 mentioned.

Winwing, like the Warthog is supposed to be a replica throttle, but can be used for GA only with better software than Virpil.

So really I’m at a standstill and being completely new to flight sims, what would you suggest? Would prefer just to keep it to about $3-400 budget.

Thank you.

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You do realise VBK has more than just that Gladiator Premium stick of yours, right? They have a lineup of ALOT of other goodies on their website that might fill your need in the 400 dollar range.
(i’ve been looking around for a Hotas as well, since my G940 is slowly declining due to age and VBK looked quite interesting to me, especially with the stick extenders, but also their throttle quadrants and buttonbox combo’s…) Although i’m also partial to the boeing lever addons to the Honeycomb Bravo Quadrant (and ofcourse then, the quadrant itself, lol… but i dont feel i have the space for that big thing on my obutto simrig… but, maybe i do… i’ll find out when i get that far… choices choices :wink: )

Good luck with the choice, Kwikvette, and enjoy the simming!

Kindest regards,


Hello Steiny!

Yes, I sort of went a little backwards with this endeavor.

I’ve owned MSFS for over a year, having only played it a handful of times with a controller. With that said, I began doing some research on many sticks available. Naturally I looked at the bigger name companies first, and as much as the X56 stood out to me, I’ve had QC issues with Logitech in the past.

Further research had lead me here to this forum where many have echoed the same QC issues plaguing their HOTAS setup.

That lead me to find out about Virpl and VBK. Because I wasn’t sure I would’ve enjoyed the experience I figured just buying a stick would be enough investment to tell me if it’s for me or not. If I hated the experience, no harm done as I’m not as invested.

After ordering (Sunday) I realized my shipment was coming from China which means…I’ll have to wait. Jumped on Amazon and bought a cheap throw away stick as a temporary placeholder while I waited.

That was enough to get me hooked as I am knocking out the challenges by MSFS 2020.

Now I want a throttle to pair with my incoming stick and although I wish I would’ve bought a combo from VBK, I’m sort of glad I didn’t because VBK’s throttle looks a bit underwhelming compared to Virpl, the Warthog, and Winwing.

Anyway, sorry for going off on a tangent. I did see Honeycomb’s offerings but unfortunately I don’t have the real-estate to dedicate to such large controls which is why I’ve narrowed it down to the 3 listed.

Thanks for listening!

As for the throttle, the quadrands look “meh” with too much spacing between the mixture, throttles and prop pitch, but the idea of it being modular is kinda brilliant… but i was actually ogling this throttle of theirs: STECS Throttle System - Max – VKB North America
but… since my work requires me to operate a joystick wtih my right hand constantly, i’m unwilling to have a stick to the right in my spare time, just to avoid the same repetative motion, and this one looks a bit too slanted to use as a right handed throttle.
But i’m glad to read that you’ve done your homework, there are many that just hit “Buy” and either be done with it, or complain way past the lifetime of their one ill purchase :wink:
And yeah, logitech didn’t do me any good by buying up madcat’s product range at the time, with subpar products, compared to other logitech brilliance. (the G25 for example, or, the G940 that i am using of which the pedals(age) have been replaced by the Thrustmaster TPR’s already, loving those and can recommend them.)

Also, what you might be looking into, if you are running a desk for your sims, are desk mounts, especially those that can be clamped and unclamped in no-time. (just make sure the desk is a solid surface, instead of resined cardboard, or you’ll punch right through 'm :wink: )
I’m running two J-pein deskmounts, one for the throttle and one for the joystick. To put them together and line them up proper, is a pita, but once you have them setup, it’s soooo nice and comfy gaming, instead of hunching over the desk having your hands at what feels like eye level, hahaha.
I’ve used the clamps on my desk, and after reversing them, i’ve got them (reverse-)mounted to the obutto controller surfaces, so basically i’m using them backwards now, for added comfort…
Oh dear, just googling the J-pein desk mounts now, and i dont think i’ve payd that much for them back then, think i payd 80 euro’s for 'm, i now see them at 120, wow… must certainly be popular.

Anyways, just thinking with you, after your 20-year-unpaid leave is revoked and you’ve reported back into flightsim :slight_smile:

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I’ve been a long time PC gamer since the days of Doom and Diablo 1 (current Diablo 4 player) so I’m all too familiar with older product line-up for sure. Logitech, in my experience, has only gotten worse.

I still own an old G500S mouse (wired) that can act as a back up yet the G903 mouse (wireless/wired) gave up the ghost (pun intended) with ghost clicking issues immediately after the 3 year mark. Same with the G502 I bought on a whim to replace it; 3 years up and bam it succumbed to ghost clicking.

Anyway I digress.

I’m definitely a buy once cry once sort, but not parted with my money easily so I definitely like to read up on products first.

Good point on mounting as I failed to mention any part of my plans; I am a welder/fabricator and being retired I have all the time I need to cut out mounts/legs/etc on my CNC plasma and fabricate my own mounts for throttle and stick for when the time comes.

Being a disabled veteran, I am looking at getting into Flight Sims as a hobby, really for my own mental health.

Who else to ask for advice than those here with experience?

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Found a picture for you of the new uppy-downy-desk (yeah, been upgrading)
When not using the flightgear, i just open the lever, shove them to the right and pop the lever back on.
That was before i found a way to use my racingrig as a flightrig at the same time.

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Heh, a simrig… is never finished.

there’s always that little tweak, that new apparatus, that idea that someone else had that fits your thirst… but i recon here’s a really big tip for you and all others out there: Asobo/MS copied the whole world, maybe not in so much detail, but detailed enough… go out and explore.
There’s a LOT of pilots out there, just flying over their house, and i know it’s nice and comfy and close to home, but there’s just sooooo much to see outside of the personal bubble.

ANd… a bit more personal, airliners are just as capable as regular airplanes, they use the same principle… it’s just that at least general aviation airplanes dont complain as much as the bigger ones…

when either wingtip of a big one or a small one hits the ground, it’s over… but the principle remains the same… dont hit the ground! :wink:

Good luck on your venture, if you want to fly sometime, hit me up by pm!

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Really appreciate it! Will have to take you up on that!

Of course I’ll have to report back here once I order a throttle setup (and once it arrives).

For the meanwhile, I’ll be doing all the training I can!

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Hahaha, no worries. Have a good flight, Capt’n!

I just added one of these to my Gladiator, little bit of work to get set up however now meets my GA/Helo needs. Yes I could go a lot further in trying to achieve fidelity however this works really well in terms of maximising desk real estate.

For jets I have the TM A320 throttles and flap/speedbrake extensions.

Otherwise I have 3 of the Saitek panels so many many selectable buttons/axes all without overloading the space.

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Thank you for the feedback! I was specifically looking at either of the 3 I mentioned above, so I wasn’t sure if you saw that or not.

I would like to steer away from having multiple panels, etc. as I do not have a lot of real-estate I plan to devote to this setup.

I have a question for you… You say you only plan on flying GA aircraft in FS… My question is this, would you prefer a stick or a yoke? What type of GA flying do you want to do? if you want a realistic experience in say Cessna/Piper type aircraft, I would recommend a yoke. I use a Honeycomb Alpha, BUT you need a throttle to go with it, so I have the Bravo. I started years (back in FSX days with a Saitek (Logitech) which was ok for a while.

IF you plan on flying exclusively Cirrus type GA aircraft (or warbirds), I would recommend a flight stick. Unfortunately I don’t have any recommendations.

While some would say it doesn’t matter, I say it does, the kinematics are totally different. Your muscle memory will adapt to what ever you use, so chose what you feel would be best for you. And YES, I fly warbirds, fighter jets, and Airbuses with my Yoke…

Chose wisely. :slight_smile:

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Oh and helos are a totally different beast!

Hello Zeanuck!

I mentioned I ordered a VBK Gladiator Premium, however it hasn’t arrived yet. With that said I’ve only done some flight training on MSFS and very little exploring so I cannot comment on the sort of aircraft I prefer.

But I can agree about one thing you stated - muscle memory.

This is why I am wanting to start on a premium throttle and have narrowed it down to the three listed above.

Again, a yoke is not an option as 1. space and 2. I ordered a stick

My only question is about throttle controls and even though 2 of the 3 mentioned are supposed to mimic those of a specific aircraft, muscle memory would enable me to use them on a variety of others.

Hope my explanation makes sense as to why I am not listening to other recommendations, nor looking at other sticks as my new stick doesn’t arrive until next week.

All good and no worries at all.

As to throttles, the Honey Bravo is very good, and will enable you to set up 1-6 engine aircraft configurations. There are so many choices out there, but if you are limited in space that may be an issue. The Saitek(logitech) throttle quadrant is fairly inexpensive (about $100CDN) it has a small footprint and can be configured for 1-3 engines, but it also expandable by adding additional quadrants.

Oh, and welcome to sim, you have entered an amazing new world. I have been simming since the 80’s. (YUP), and now I will be pursing my private licence and this sim has helped in many ways… :slight_smile:

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Wow, I bet you like many others here have enjoyed seeing the progression of devices and peripherals made available to the flight sim community!

Best of luck to you on getting your license!

And thank you for another recommendation but I have written off Logitech completely.

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Well, I did more digging on my own and I’m happy to report that I went ahead and ordered the Virpil CM3.

Thank you all for the warm welcomes and the many suggestions!

New VBK stick on its way and a Virpil throttle that’ll arrive sometime after; hope I enjoy them as much as many of you have your own!

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I read through your post again, and apparently missed the three contenders you put in there completely, my bad… i just reacted enthousiastic and completely missed the point, sorry!

After diggin in, i was sort of surprised the Winwing said it came with a Dual Throttle Connector for Orion/Gemini Base, which leads me to believe that it might only be a connector fitting into winwing equipment only, not usb?.
THe Virpil CM3 looks like the safe and good choice indeed. Let us know how you get along with it, once you start using it, as i too am slowly getting in the market for a new throttle, just dont want to give up the FFB in the G940 stick just yet :slight_smile:

Have a good one!

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Oh no you’re good!

The other people that posted also missed that as they were recommending other throttles, not to mention a brand I had stated I want nothing to do with (Logitech).

I’m unsure about how the brands work with one another in terms of base or stick but have read about people using the Warthog stick and placing it on a Virpil base or something of the like. Apparently to save some money too.

I didn’t want to look for a budget stick or throttle as I didn’t want to buy something and hate it. I wanted something that could last me for awhile also.

On another note, my VBK apparently arrives today so I’ll snap a picture of it once it arrives! Looks like the 4-day old Thrustmaster can get put away now :rofl:

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You did take apart the throttle from the stick on the Thrustmaster, right? (as i think it’s a feature not that clear upon purchase… the only downside with the combo is, the weight… they flop around by themselves if you dont clamp them down, but the concept itself, is kinda brilliant.)

Looking forwards to the pics of your simexperience. :wink:

Been loving flight and racing sims since what… ehr… 1997ish? hahaha. Whenever i find someone dipping their tow in it, i sort of think back on my experiences through the years, learning aerodynamics, controlling the airplanes, learning what to do when, and with for instance il2, learning to dodge bullets and land a badly stricken airplane, which definately made me a better virtual pilot. Then later on learning about flying Vor’s, IFR etc, there’s just so much to discover, even if yer just flying from point a to point b without much reference or help by the tower. It’s just a whole new experience, where you can be as serious as you want. i’m not much for rules, so basically i spawn on the runway, takeoff without clearance and just learn an airplane’s oddities as i go along. it’s just all good fun, and it’s even more fun with a nice setup and nice controls… so yer on the correct flightpath :wink: