New York Disaster

For a lower bandwidth like mine (20Gb/s) is it better then to leave then ROLLING CACHE OFF?

No, au contraire: the lower your bandwidth, the more sense a cache makes: you don’t want to download the same data over and over again. Hence a cache.

And the term “rolling” implies that “the least used data is evicted from the cache” whenever you hit the defined size limit (hence “bigger is better” here).

Oh, and just in case:


So the only viable question if you are concerned about your bandwidth is: “should you turn photogrammetry (and being online) on or off?”. As you have already experienced FS 2020 will tell you if it cannot download the required (photogrammetry, but also geometry) data fast enough. But you can always say “Continue with download”, because the worst (with a slow internet connection) that can happen is that buildings look at first very ugly, and they pop in (visually) as you fly. If you don’t like those “visual glitches” and “popping effects” then you may consider turning off your slow internet connection (or turn of “photogrammetry” which I believe is also called “Bing data” (?) in the settings - there are various “online data sources” you can turn on and off in the settings, IIRC).

But a cache always helps. Btw you can “pre-download” a defined area (with various level of detail) and make a “persistent cache” (e.g. of your home area / favourite airport etc.).

Does that make sense?

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