Next VR Update?

I was reading and watching the info on the next World Update (delayed for a few days) but did not see whether there would be any improvements to VR with this update. Anyone have info on this?

As its a world update, I wouldn’t expect anything. Any updates to VR / sim performance overall or mechanics would be in the SIM update, so another month for the next one.

Other than controller support I think most other things will be sim wide (Performance updates etc) maybe some tweaks to UI, but other than that what sort of things would you be wanting to see in a VR-specific update?

I think the biggest improvement in VR, would be the ability to move Navigraph Charts into the cockpit, in a fixed position. I’m sure that’s coming eventually but that would be huge.


There was plenty of other Updates for the USA (World Update 2) do there’s a good chance we may get something with the UK & Ireland Update.

I take your point, I’m personally not expecting anything though, but maybe i’ll be pleasently surprised.

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Yeah i think any VR user would be pleasantly surprised :slight_smile:
Of course the VR Coders don’t work on World Updates (directly) the same as Texture Artists don’t Code, so wouldn’t expect the VR Coders to of sat on their hands for the past few weeks (bar Xmas holidays of course).

Just general stability issues, improved FPS and stutter issues etc. Even with my INDEX, I find the graphics just as blurry as the OCULUS CV1 I had. I know there are limitations to VR in that area but was hoping for better.

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Amen. A tab on all panels to navigraph… this is the future. Not the past of course. Which means 3rd party developers need to work for that quick buck.

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My biggest gripe is the contrast and saturation of whites its just unbearable in full daylight, as soon as the sun starts setting its totally comes to life and you can actually see

Give us a few sliders to adjust the contrast, gain, exposure …anything like that would be awesome


I’m using the index and if you have a PC that can run it at 100 on Render Scale, it is pretty sharp. I found that turning my SteamVR supersampling up to 150 and not using the in game anti-aliasing works really well. Even the TAA will make things blurry.

Which setting are you referring to when you say SUPER SAMPLING? I’m looking in the VR settings now and do not see a callout for it.
I see Resolution Per Eye under the GENERAL TAB, the same under VIDEO TAB and Custom Res Multiplier under PER GAME VIDEO SETTINGS.
Even with my system, I still struggle with frame rates when looking left and right.

System Specs:
Power Supply: Corsair RM850X
MB: MSI Gaming Pro Carbon
DUAL 2GB NVMe Drives. One in TURBO M.2 slot.
CPU: Intel i9-9900KF 3.60 ( I overclock MSFS2020 to 4.8 when possible.)
RAM: 32GB Corsair RGB RAM (No O/C of RAM)
Windows 10 64
Res: 2560X1040 (144Hx)
Dual DELL S2716DG Monitors.
Onboard Audio.
nVidia Driver 461.09
SteamVR BETA 1.16.2

Just a tip but have you tried older Drivers? In my experience the 461s are bad with 457/451 being the best:

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Yes, I ran 457 and an older one. I will switch back to it shortly and see what happens. Was hoping that the nVidia fix would be out by now.

461.33 includes the Fix, but personally I’m not convinced it works!

I installed the .33 driver and it hosed my system. A real stutterfest. I’m using INDEX so I’m not sure it will work with that unit.

That driver works great for me with the Index. I’m also using the SteamVR Beta. TBH, out of all the combinations I’ve tried, this is the best. Stutter free for me.

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Well, there is a lot of performance improvements needed in VR, I have Oculus Rift S and the quality is not great, you cant see labels on the panels (blurry), draw distance js poor, shaking issues, white flashes and low FPS.

I read all the tweaks, changed nvidia drivers, etc but to be honest, I just turn on VR in Xplane with all same settings drivers and so on and is smooth as hell, sharp and fast FPS with Vulkan (like DX12 that msfs promises to bring during summer)

So, there are a LOT of things to improve with VR, xplane took years to reach current state so I hope (and expect) VR improvements on each new release.

My 2p


The days of hoping for the magic bullet have long past. Steam, SteamVR, nVidia, MSFS2020 and a host of other apps all trying to coexist is not happening any time soon. What a shame but it IS WHAT IT IS! MSFS2020 has given the FS community something to b$%^h at for the next year. Cheers all!

Definitely a lot of moving parts in play. It’s amazing how even people with similar hardware specs have such a varied experience.

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Watching that dev team Q+A released yesterday it sounds like the biggest performance boost we’ll see is when the Xbox version is released this Summer. DX12 will be implemented then and they’ve said that although DX12 in itself won’t make a huge difference they’ve managed to make a lot of big optimisation changes for the Xbox version that will also help with the PC version and that in turn will make a big difference to the general VR experience for everyone. Between now and then we should still see some improvements too.

So some good news there.