Night lighting issues still present - The community solutions

Accidentally closed this one - my bad!

This is exactly what i think too. Absolute garbage compared to what is was before this patch. I love night flying but now I don’t even want to fly at night. Looks like we went back 15 years to the FSX times.


For Gods sake you are wondering why some people are complaining? Do you live in Las Vegas and you think that the whole world looks like that at night? There are too many lights everywhere now and there are very bright even in small country places…that’s not realistic…
They had it perfect at the beginning, they messed it up now…


All of the airports (Default & handcrafted), or just handcrafted ones have apron lighting? Thanks, I haven’t been able to fly new patch.

This is real or ingame? :open_mouth:

Just another one…just flew over there…its a small country side…sorry for reminding me FSX/P3D with Orbx lights…
This was not how the sim looked at launch…we all loved night flying in this sim


I find no words to express how disappointed I am with the night lighting now. The bottom line for me is that this is not what I bought. The simulator that I paid for had nice, soft night lighting that made it unique and represented a leap forward from all the other simulators. I doubt that I would pay for MSFS 2020 the way it is today.


Far from it in quite a few aspects.
Have a peek at these posts to understand more:


This is so much more than either “perfect” or “horrible”, many parts control the overall night appearance, and just one of them got an overhaul now, exposing why more of those parts need adjustments as well, which wasn’t apparent before.

You can hardly say glow-in-the-dark terrain is perfect, or lamps that should be visible of tens of miles fade away after just a mile.

And is it perfect now? Certainly not.

Last iteration couldn’t be perfected by just small adjustments and this one can’t either, but believe it or not, it paves way for ultimately getting the most realistic night lighting ever before.
But like I said, it exposes more parts that needs fixing, parts that wasn’t as apparent due to the earlier versions shortcomings like the super short lod / fading of light-sources to be replaced by the horrible sepia-mask.

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It’s ingame, xplane 11

While I certainly prefer the slightly more muted look in the cities at night, I actually turned off the simulator in disgust tonight. I decided to fly over my local area in the heart of the Canadian prairie at night.

Previously, this was a neat experience. Great empty areas of countryside represented in darkness, punctuated in the distance by the lights of small villages and small towns. Now it is very different.

Suddenly, even gravel roads that see only a few cars per day are lit up with street lights every hundred feet or so. The Prairie is now lit up like a Christmas tree. I decided to also check the Scottish highlands where I lived 30 years ago. Same thing. This is as big a screw up as the buildings which were the wrong height all over the world.

Well, I have been a very strong advocate for this simulator. It takes a lot for me to feel so disgusted that I shut the thing off in the middle of what was supposed to be an enjoyable flight. But tonight I have.

It seems to me the entire design process is currently in self-destruct mode. There has got to be a better way to incrementally and intelligently improve this simulator, but what we are seeing right now is not that way.


In comparison with what we have today…yes the previous version was almost perfect for me…I knew about terrain emitting light issue, even though I hadn’t seen it. It felt realistic…there was certainly room for improvement but certainly not room for this…


Have a look at a video from Obsidian art who also reports the issue…


That’s the thing, the last version had numerous aspects needing improvement.
It wasn’t perfect. It was one of the most top voted issues in the bug forum.

I’m certain the sepia-mask trick looks “realistic enough” for some people, as well as a simplified flight model “feels realistic” for some as well, but many ppl want more than that. But it will probably be a bumpy road to get there with devs trying to find a balance between realism and beauty.

(And for everybody throwing hyperbolic statements around, that doesn’t help them a single bit, please try sticking to factual arguments & exemplify your standpoint instead)

Anyhow, for some reason Asobo improved the seriously reduced lamp-visibility (that got botched during the early alpha), but without at the same time adjusting the other shortcomings mostly hidden by said reduced lamp visibility range, giving a less than pleasing appearance.
For example severe uniformity of colour and brightness, rural roads which should be completely unlit, bulb-texture size being too big now when range is increases and apparent TAA-lamp-eating effect removed.
I totally would’ve preferred the night update being held back until all related adjustments had been done at the same time

…but not a city at night from the air. That is the problem. It is not how it looks in reality.

That is the Cotswolds and is so wrong I don’t have the words…


You are perfectly right…night update should be held back for sometime because now it feels like they are experimenting…and unfortunately sometimes its not for better…
The reduced lamp visibility was present as you say and they should fix it but they went all the way and they introduced all these ugly-looking issues with bulb texture sizes, country side roads lit like if they are highroads etc etc
Thats a bumpy road…yes…


Thats from my part of the world…only two of these highroads have lights…the other ones don’t… they are smaller ones.
and they didn’t have lights in the version before the patch…


In the past I have avoided flying at night because I don’t like the lighting.

Last evening I broke my self imposed restriction and within minutes went back to daytime.

Launceston Airport (YMLT) is located south of the city and pretty much in a country area. The surrounding roads were lit up like a Christmas Tree and very brightly to boot. These roads are generally only lit my vehicle lights. To see the road to the top of Ben Lomond - a gravel road with street lights was laughable.

In addition PAPI lights from the main runway were missing.

Having said the above I have no idea how they might achieve the correct night lighting. Someone will always be less than happy with what they see in their own location but I won’t be one of them - I’ll be flying in daytime exclusively.

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Street lights can look uniform at night, particularly in the US where buildings are arranged in blocks so I would not dismiss night lighting on the basis that it looks too uniform. This is Chicago at night, rows of lights galore uniformly spaced out.


Yes…but the whole world now is looking like Chicago now or it’s suburbs…


Good things about this night change-

  1. Ground doesn’t glow as much
  2. Nights are far darker
  3. Overall lighting amount is more realistic

Things they could tweak-

  1. Revert back to the randomness of the previous night lighting
  2. Decrease amounts in rural areas