Night Lighting - Sunlight Glowing Over Horizon At Midnight

Didn’t say it would fix it, just helps somewhat. But sure, just sit around and complain if that’s what you want to do.

Still not resolved; here I am in Kirkland ON (CYKX) at 3500’ at 9:30PM in January.

The sun set hours ago IRL, but here we are…still got the glow

Has someone flown overnight to see what happens ?

It doesn’t go away at all; it just shifts from west to east through the north (so clockwise), and then sun eventually rises from it in the morning.

It is as the some light bends and follows the round earth. It is never dark.
Problem is much stronger in north in world (properly south to ) :anguished:

Is it a paranoia from my mind, or moon light has become radiactive?. Two days ago I flew a night flight over Europe. I had this annoying “midnight sunglobe”, but had another “issue” that I hadn’t notice before: there was a full moon and the light it spread over terrain was too bright, till the point it seemed day. We know full moon spreads light, and full moon nights aren’t as dark as no moon nights, but this is overdoing it. Do you notice that? Am I the only paranoic with the moon light?


Same problem here. I set always a date at new moon.

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Well guys, Asobo says the night lighting has fixed. What do you think? The last time I flied at night, issues were still present (20 days ago). I have to check it. Have any of you check it out?

nothing is fixed. we need to get the issue back on


I don’t know how else to raise awareness on the subject. I made the thread, I got over 100 votes, it’s still not addressed…

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Maybe change is coming with SU8:

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I wish that. Flying at night is a pain in this simulator.

Seems to be better in SU8 beta. Vancouver, local midnight, 30k ft, heading North, October **



night lighting is NOT fixed - why was the post removed and marked as solved? it had over 800 votes and would have been on the top of the bugs list. any way to get it back on? it will take us forever to get noticed. can some mod please look at this issue and have it put back please?

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I do have an idea it’s darking then it used to be now. Although it is not a full moon day

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Just test SU8 and can confirm it is now fixed ! Awesome ! Night flying will be much more enjoyable from now on.


I have to test it in a full moon night. Only then I’ll judge.

The overdone red glow seems to be gone indeed.

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any comments on night lighting during the q&a? i assume not - very sad to think that they assume its been fixed.
any way to bring this back on the list of bugs please mods?

Microsoft wrote this in update 8 . Havent tried yet but it seems now been fixed. So glad

  • Fixed sun light glowing above horizon at midnight