Night lighting - Terrain emits light?

I’m guessing the dark parts are tree covered areas. The broad lighter areas do look as if they are being lit. The moon and stars “should” cast light, and in a realistic simulation, artificial light is also scattered off the lower face of the clouds to illuminate the ground nearby. I’m not sure whether this sim does that or not. In any case, your shot has few clouds in it.

{Edit} Just tested in a sparsely populated area of the UK during a full moon, clear skies, at midnight, and am getting nothing like as well lit landscape. During a full moon, you should clearly see the ground.

What is this lol, Since when the Venice became a desert? Very bad lighting. I hope MSFS fix this

Patch has been released and I don’t see this anywhere in the notes. Gutting.

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Well, the focus was clearly on the most important bugs and performance, so I didn‘t expect it. To be honest I don‘t expect them to change this very soon. After all it‘s not a bug per se and although it’s quite high on my personal wishlist I understand that there are other, more pressing issues that need fixing first.

I’m hoping that if the tubeliners improve it will be more shouted about to be honest. I think the only reason it hasn’t been more talked about is because people mainly seem to use MSFS as a day GA sim.


Is this issue solved in the latest update?

Lmao, no. It was just for critical bug fixes and major performance impact squashes. Hopefully a mod is developed in the meantime until we get an update.


Bermuda Looked better out the window. (but still reviewing other areas

What’s the difference…? (Screenshot looks way to low to see the effects discussed in this thread)


Yep you’ve got to be at at least 10,000 feet to see dreadful night lighting. Below that it looks pretty good. I don’t think the patch has done anything to address it, but I guess we had more serious issues at hand.

Is there anything the community can do or are we literally waiting for Asobo?

It appears some modifications have been considered , but perhaps not to the full extent. (remove for improvement
HECA at night up to FL19

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Not sure I follow here, all those screenshots you posted now show the exact same problem, with terrain emitting light / glowing in the dark… (that irl would be black)
What exactly are you saying “looked better” …?

Yeah, I’ll have to rescind that… after looking at my travel to Dubai 3 years ago…that masking is not needed

My god!, that looks TERRIBLE! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I think they fixed it! Check it out!

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No they didn’t, terrain illumination is still there


Hard to see the effect from those low altitudes, try some screenshots over Dubai or Los Angeles 30,000 ft?


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They need to just steal whatever Xplane did lol.


I hope we can get closer to these real images when they fix the nighttime lighting :slight_smile:

source> official Instagram account of “althani350”