No 15gb patch here, but donwloading the full 110gb game again!

I’m at 11Gb after 15min

Its GodZilla, i can feel it!

After moving the packages over to a different disk it now says 15.69GB to download.

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true! in 2127 december when i finihs the installation i must uninstall that monster:P

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No joke though if you’re faced with 120gb install from scratch, I’ve just upgraded from FSX and I look back and realised I spent 8 years of my life messing around with a config file.

Think you might be right on changing the path, have to admit it’s confusing … I tend to blindly trust it knows what its doing even it doesn’t make logical sense, I’m not technical when comes to this sort of thing

You did it now on the original c: path? or a brand new?

When patch came up on the installation manager, the browser bit was C:etc etc by default and I pressed install, I didn’t try to change the path to where the sim is installed (F drive) if that makes sense

I originally had it as G:\MSFS which is a 250GB SSD, moved it to F:\MSFS which is a 2TB hard drive, I’m not sure why it has fixed it but it has.

I’m just using treesize program to see where this download is actually installing, hope its not c drive as I won’t have enough space

So did the update default to your G or F drive?

It defaulted to G: where I originally had it installed, maybe there was a space issue or something causing it, I will move it back later when the patch is done.

I hoping I don’t run in to that again, I had to have a friend upload the game just to get it installed, it’s completely ridiculous.

I tried too, but creating a new folder on the same drive g:mfs but it says 11o, so i reverted to the old g:(and now its says 50gb at least remembers what i downloaded till now).
At this point i stay on the last 50gb.

Did you move the packages with it ? everything under Official needs to be copied over.

I think you did the right thing to not change the c: path. It will not install on c:, it will on your G:. As i understand (also from istalling liveries and addon) that even if you changed the first time, the game still have a mirror on c:. Infact you should see no space occupying in you c: drive, while installing.

It says “my organization is not allowed to place the files here”

Try these suggestions

15GB update here. However, I’m finding it’s downloading the individual files over and over and over… each file gets part-way through, then the downloaded total drops down and it starts the file over.

At this point, I’m fed up with adolfo suarez… it’s reset that maybe 100 times! Perhaps it’s just the number of downloads going on around the world… :man_shrugging:

Thanks for clarifying, much appreciated

My 15 gig downloaded in about 7 minutes, unpacking took just as long and mine is on an external SS hard drive.