No coral reefs and wrong tropical water colors... Again

would you mind if i copied these pictures in an attempt to seek an answer?

Devs actually answered few times: the marketing service is using pictures without any water masking, juste raw bing images. This in not “real game” footage.
It’s seem’s that for now they can only do that manually, so they just did it for few areas in the world (few locations in the carribeans, and around japan with the last world update)

I still think we need to massively vote for the topics previously made on that issue, in order to push them a little bit.

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For these videos they should state “not representative of actual gameplay”. Just setting yourself up for criticism. Bit of an own goal really. You’d think after no mans sky launch this sort of stuff would no longer happen.


Ahh but if they do that people will be put off from buying. I notice more and more developers are now doing exactly the opposite, using actual gameplay to show off the product and its capabilities and saying so. Asobo would do well to mimic this new advertising practice, it does them no good to mislead people.


You can hear what they’ve said about this here:

28:44 is the bit on water masking


Yes of course you can copy the screenshots.

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Just had to go and check for myself :slight_smile: The sea does still look pretty good and the coastal edges are detailed, but yep - the subsea texture has gone. I don’t for a moment imagine that they’re using an enhanced or special version for their video and based on the comments from the developers, these areas are being added manually, so there should be more and more progressively. I wonder if the last water updates undid some of that work?

But for Jolly Harbour, Antigua, we certainly aren’t getting what was shown in their showcase video. That’s a bit embarrassing.

Evidence … 4k, everything on ultra except clouds and trees, Bing map data and photogrammetry on, rolling cache deleted and reset (200Mb). Also corresponding Bing maps image:


This issue is going on since release, in countless threads.
All we get are some excuses but they continue to dangle beautiful watermasks in front of us with almost each new trailer. Keep in mind, that even the very first MSFS trailer is using watermasks which are still not in the final product (after several patches).

And still, some folks here keep defending this by comparing it to hamburgers not looking as great in reality as in advertised pictures.

I honestly don’t know what some here are thinking…
Either Asobo needs to get this in ASAP or MS marketing needs to rethink what they keep showing us when the Devs are unable to deliver the same as shown in (ingame) trailers.


We need to vote in the thread posted by @J1mb0G5751 a few posts back.


Yes. Really frustrating. I built a top end PC mainly for bush flying and island hopping in view of these fantastic videos just to discover that I had been lured.
Let’s hope they deliver what they advertise.


Dumbing it down for xbox.
Plain as day, sad but 99.9% likely cause

I didn’t care that earlier builds made my mid spec pc want to catch fire, it looked A-FRIKKEN-MAZING.

now patch after patch, its worse. “Seeing what they can get away with”, detuning.

Give us back the option to have performance or quality… or both for the 0.0002%-ers PC’s that cost more than mortgages.


Every game forum has certain shills that will ALWAYS defend the product no matter what and become outraged that anyone would dare have a differing opinion.

I plan to fly down to Florida for the winter in the 152 since it’s going to be weird as hell flying around Wisconsin in the dead of winter with green trees and fields as far as the eye can see. I was hoping to see some of those beautiful coastlines around the Caribbean but looks like I’ll have to fly elsewhere.

I am not sure why this comment, it’s not related at all, it’s streaming online like another area, several others coral mask are already available in the sim, just not those newly made from latest video, they need to be masked separately, then inserted with update.

  • Not all coral reef can works from Bing web site, some have tiles with clouds will be never be available unless new bing update with new photo real or new technique added

  • Those coral you see from msfs video they can work since there is no clouds from bing photo real or tiles issue.

There is World Update USA coming, maybe newly mask could be included.

Already in MSFS

C Harbor


Could you please tell us the coordinates of these pictures?. I flew around Nassau yesterday ( 90 Nm radius) and the water is simply oceanic. Nothing like your pictures. I fly high end and my internet downloads at 480 Mbps


i haven’t see anything like this in all my travels either.

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one of the coral reef you can see in bahamas (east of nasau) :wink:

The area right around Nassau looks great, but if you go a little north to Great Abaco you have normal-looking water, unfortunately. Hopefully, they keep rolling out new areas especially if they’re going to keep making videos advertising certain areas.

Also if you want a good laugh, check out the default airport scenery at Rock Sound (MYER). There is a huge warehouse-like building taking up the entire apron with AI trapped without access to the runway.

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This error is from OSM. the Apron was labeld as building.
Fixed it but i don’t know how often they fix their OSM DB

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There are so few locations in the simulator that feature shallow water detail and coral reefs that you basically have to intentionally visit them on a sight seeing trip, just like you do with the animals in this game.

The long term fix for this problem is to implement volumetric water and extend the terrain mesh to the sea floor. I’d much rather the scenery and art teams be working on airports and landmarks than trying to create thousands of water masks. It seems like such an outdated way of making scenery.