On the last video, which was released on 29 october 2020 there are shown beautiful water textures and coral reefs. But in the latest version of Flight Simulator there are nothing like this! Where are the coral reefs which are shown on a video? It seems like we are using totally different version of flight simulator… I am sorry to tell, but it feels like developers are making “fake” videos to fool the customers… Sad but true… Just compare those screenshots from the same locations on a video and in flight sim…
You would think they’d at least fix the water masks for the areas they showcase.
Anybody else have a general feeling that the graphic quality is somehow deteriorating?
On the topic here: what are your settings?
I agree this is not a good developement.
maybe we get a world update: oceanic xD
False advertisment like this puts Microsoft and Asobo in a really bad light.
Was thinking same… false advert !
It’s false advertising, they create a special version of the sim that shows the reefs, etc but it never gets pushed into the build we can look at.
I’ve heard some rambling excuse of a technical reason, but it’s still false advertising.
I think it’s safe to say everything from their own marketing to the countless YouTube videos were all false advertising… Perhaps it’s were they want to be, but certainly not release date.
As I said there’s the marketing fluff.,. and reality. The two rarely look the same. Marketing is an elaborate lie to get consumers hooked in to buy a product. Then they set up a ‘customer service’ department to deal with the complaints and backlash. But hey what does it matter, we got suckered and bought the product already. Hook line and sinker
Yes. It’s called preparation for the Xbox version.
Well, if developers have some “secret” flightsim version for promo and marketing, why they can’t release this version for the customers? It seems like we all are using some pre alpha version, and developers are using special and beautiful flight simulator version which is miles ahead of our version… Their version is running steady 60 fps in 4K and have no performance issues. Better colors, better textures, better water textures, better weather effects etc.
This issue needs more visibility. Quite shocking tbh.
Can we ask @Jummivana to see if she can get an answer for us on this?
Before jumping the boat I would really like to hear from the devs themselves concerning this!
Is called “After effects” to edit videos…
Agreed. I am frustrated like everyone else with the lack of progress and bug fixes, but to go as far as to say their inadvertently false advertising is a bit absurd. Hope I am wrong.
this absolutely requires explanation from asobo and microsoft. it’s unacceptable.