Need a help please. Why I’m not able to get live weather. I’ve been getting clear skies everwhere no matter the airport I’m in. I’m always online, with no internet issues. Are you guys experiencing the same? Help please!
Need a help please. Why I’m not able to get live weather. I’ve been getting clear skies everwhere no matter the airport I’m in. I’m always online, with no internet issues. Are you guys experiencing the same? Help please!
Click on “Flight Conditions” in the top right, what are your settings (ensure you have Live Weather turned on).
Yes, it is turned on.
Can you share a screenshot what it looks like when you click on Flight Conditions?
As mentioned, ensure you have everything turned on via the General Options (as I can’t recall if it being off here disables it within the flight options menu or not).
Also consider following the Blue Links at the bottom of the Services Monitoring Dashboard to help troubleshoot your Connectivity settings.
Everything’s turned on, except for the live real-world air traffic…
Been checking those as well and all are online in the past few days…
This is the most comprehensive way to check Online Connectivity and restart it.
Have you participated in a multiplayer session?
If so, you will need to rejoin any session and then exit it normally.
Not that I recall. But anyways, I’m doing a clean install, Windows included. Hopefully it will solve the problem.
Thank you guys for helping me!!!
Thanks a lot, but none of this solved the problem. I’m reinstalling everything and hopefully it will be OK.
I have experienced the lack of METAR data during the last 3 days, starting March 19.
During most of the day ( I’m in Portugal ) I have no METAR data, Live Weather is ON and all but Multiplayer and AI are ON.
By the end of the afternoon ( around 17:30 UTC ) I get back METAR data.
I’ve reinstalled both Windows 10 and MSFS2020 last Saturday, and the problem persisted. However, it seems that it is OK now (even though I still cannot see the clouds or precipitations on the globe - where we insert the route). I’m starting to believe that METAR data was off here in Brazil as well.
Another question: is it possible that AVAST antivirus has something to do with that (firewall config, for example)?
Avast has been known to cause many problems with MSFS.
There are quite a few posts here mentioning that.
The weather has been messed up for me too. I can start with metar at the departing airport but no metar at the arriving airport. And nothing but pop corn clouds I have to use Rex ethic has been fabulous
Going to check those posts. Thanks
I use it too, but the problem with REX is that it hits hard on FPS here. How’s its performance on you system?