No reactions in PMDG 737. Can move mouse but cannot push buttons nor do anything in cockpit? Old Bug?

In the middle of the flight i cannot do anything. I can move the mouse but cannot interact with the plane. The sim goes on so its not paused or so. Any ideas?

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To be more precise its the left mouse button that suddenly did not work.

In the control options everything is ok. I also test other usb ports. Even in menus mouse works but not in cockpit.
It is just the cockpit where the left mouse button did not work. It seems everything in the cockpit is blocked and wont interact.

I can zoom but i cannot click, interact and the mousewheel does not help too.

Is it truly just a very old bug in msfs?

"You guys are describing two bugs widely reported on the official MS Forums:

  1. Virtual Cockpit buttons suddenly becoming unresponsive. Some people say this may start working again randomly, in my case I did a save/load (with all the implications of that).

  2. Losing controller control when mousing out of the Flight Sim window (even detached FS windows have this behaviour). For this there is no workaround.

I would suggest you make sure you report them to zendesk on your own, to make sure that Asobo/MS knows both are issues that need attention."

Can anybody confirm its a bug without work arround and i can forget my flight resp. 60 minutes were for nothing?

The only thing I can think to help you is that maybe the FMC captured the keyboard focus and then no key or mouse action will work but the mouse will move around freely.
I don’t think this is very likely as I believe the PMDG FMC does not have keyboard input. Maybe some other app captured your keyboard focus?

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I had this happen with my PMDG installation, and it was very frustrating. I finally figured out that one of the MSFS updates had reset the cockpit controls from the Legacy mode to LOCK mode. Resetting it back to Legacy (Mind here…cockpit controls, not flight model) fixed it for me.

Go to Options…General Options…Accessibility…Cockpit Interaction System.

I hope this helps :0)


OK that sounds like a good explanation. So its more a PMDG problem?

It happened to me for the first and until now last time. Does it fixed it for you during flight?

I have the same issue however my controls are already on legacy

Same issue here too! Have never had an issue like this of any sort with this aircraft (-800) Had to do a reinstall of MSFS and therefore the 738. Now I can’t interact with the flight deck (other than move the spotlights above the pilot’s heads and zoom in and out etc.) Have tried reinstalling it again but no joy. No buttons / switches work and all settings are the same as before within the sim after checking. Did you find a solution to this issue Freezerdeezer90? Strange one this…

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Same exact issue. Can’t get my mouse to click on anything or move anything (but can move the mouse).

Logged into MSFS and all my settings got reset.

Update: I rebooted my computer, twice, and now I can get my PMDG controls to work as normal with mouse. Something isn’t working right on MSFS’s end with all my settings in the cloud, but I guess it’s back/resolved - just hated that I wasted an hour.

I’m having the same exact problem, is there a workaround to this? It’s happened before and the solution at the time was to turn TCAS off, which it is!

Go into User/User name/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.FlightSimulator/Local State/Packages/PMDG aircraft
and delete all cache files. And you are most welcome.

Go into your Universal Tablet under options and set ON SCREEN KEYBOARD to ON.
There’s a bug when the UFT “steals” all inputs if the on screen keyboard is set to off (as default)

You’re most welcome.


PMDG has just released a small update to correct this freezing issue.
Check your Op’s Center for the update.

Yes but the update doesn’t work for people who purchased from the MSFS store. PMDG told me they have submitted the patch to Microsoft and now I suppose it’s anyone’s guess when we get the update. So now I just have a premium product I can’t use because I bought it from the ms store.
How do I find out when and if they are planning to give us the update? If they have it, why not release it? It obviously works because they have already released it on the ops centre. Pretty annoying to be at a disadvantage for using the ms store!

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We have no inside knowledge as to when.
It depends on the current backlog, but I can assure you it is not a matter of “if”.

This may not have been the problem, but it was for me where I lost control of cockpit controls With the mouse, I had an advertently set home, cockpit mode in the camera settings of MSFS 2020

I still have the same exact issue, trying the suggested work arounds here doesn’t work :frowning: