No SIDs or STARs in World map or FMC/MCDU

Since WU5, tried flying the dev version of the FBW320 and found no SIDs or STARs in the MCDU. tride to load frequency for ILS via the NAV RAD page but that didnt work so had to revert to a visual approach.

Tried agian tonight and after various tests have found the same in fedault aircraft and the world map!

Have removed all files from Community folder, tried FBW dev build and stabel build and default aircraft and get the seame issue.

Also when loading flight plans from SimBrief then trying to set departure point at a gate rather than end of the RWY the flight plan revets to a direct line in the World Map. I am assuming all these issues are related?

And last but not least - No ATC voices, messages - just says COM 1 , 2 and 3 are off???

Any ides on how to rectify this as its making the sim unflyable for me .

Any assistance / knowledge appreciated

Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft as Bugs and Issues is for stock sim components only.

Why move it? FBW to one side for now, i still have issues with ATC, world map and flight planner for the default aircraft.

The involvement of a third party a/c requires we move the post. As for the rest of your post, there are a few existing posts that you could investigate and join first, such as:

Sounds lke the same as my issue. Can you see SID’s and STARs in the workd map or have they gone also?

Who are you asking? Did you mean to post that in the thread I linked?

have you installed the our/Navigraph AIRAC?
When yes, open the Navigraph Navdata Client again, remove and install rhe cycle again.

This general community folder moving is so nonsens and no one from Asobo/MS has ever recommend this - only in case of an unexpected issue/CTD and than step by step to find out the package where the issue exist but not as a general rule.

Anyway, remove and re-install the AIRAC cycle via our client and all should be ok.


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I have no issues with navigation data loaded with Navigraph. I love it! I am able to use it with both default and 3rd party aircraft.

Any issues with the default navigation data either in-flight or on the world map is a bug with the base sim. I noticed the world map has something funky going on because the airports with navigation data are colored brown when they should be green. I’ve never tried loading SIDS and STARS with base navigation data but I have heard there have always been errors and omissions with it. If you want to be 100% sure you are getting correct up-to-date data I cannot recommend Navigraph enough.


I lost ability to select all SIDs, STARs and waypoints.

I had initially blamed all manner of individual community folder add-ons, but thankfully I saw this post after a couple of frustrating and very demoralising days!

Thank you so much, this worked for me.

Please report it to our forum, I sure we can help you … It’s to 99.9% no navdata issue.

Thank you