No sound after device change

Hi community,

Whilst flying my Bluetooth headphones died. I attempted to connect my headset via the usb and now I have no sound. I can where everything on my computer, videos, volume test, it’s the dam sim…is this a bug and is there a workaround?
I cannot believe the sim has been out for 2 years and we still these issues…


have you checked the in-game sound-settings that the correct device is selected ?

have you also restarted MSFS ?

PS: its not a bug-report and not a CTD …

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Thanks for the reply.
I went into the settings to confirm my audio device was selected, it was.
A reset works but it means I have to come out of my flight. That’s the bug, you have to reset to get the audio back, which shouldn’t be the case…


okay… I thought you can choose the in-game the different audio-source ( instead default ).

May be similar sounds following report: No sound after connecting Bluetooth headphones midflight


Thanks for the reply. Seems like something a few people experience.


It’s a common issue where sound doesn’t switch after connecting a new device. Some people even get CTDs when connecting USB devices while the sim is running.


I have the same issue. If the USB shakes a bit, it turns off. I just can’t understand this, we pay big money for something that simply doen’t work…

Had the same issue using windows 11. If I go into sound settings, then ‘more sound settings’ that opens up a small menu. In there, I could see that my headphones were detected, but no audio was being sent to them. If I right clicked on the device that the audio was still playing from (my in monitor speakers in this case) and disabled it, the audio was forced through my headphones. After that I could enable my monitor speakers again and the audio seemed to work fine again. Not a permanent solution, which is probably a driver/corrupt files issue, but a workable temporary solution.

Probably not a sim issue

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Thank you for this solution! This is the only way I found to restore audio without completely restarting the sim.


Glad it helped!

Sorry to say but its definitely a sim issue as no other game has this issue. What you mentioned is a work around yes but thata definitely an issue on asobos side because i was listening to Spotify and that changed ocer fine. One time i was watching netflix on a second screen and when i switched headsets every bit of sound except msfs switched over. Ive switched headsets mid game in multiple other games and it switched over just fine. Thats a sim issue with how msfs interacts with sound in windows. Again what you mentioned is a workaround to fix the issue with msfs but msfs is most certainly the issue.

It does all point to a sim issue I think. The workaround is all we have for now I’m afraid. Haven’t had any issues as of lately anymore tho. Fingers crossed

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