No switching to VR mode Oculus Quest 2

You dont have to touch open xr
The only thing is to activate beta and download the version 24

I’ve tried VR with Oculus Rift S. Updated the Oculus Software. Then FS VR starts, but FS freezes at the screen, where I have to set Pilots Position in VR. Have to shut it down with ALT F4.
Any ideas?

Still no switching to VR mode. I just can’t have the split screen. I see everything in virtual flat panel. Software updated to beta 24 and nothing. Please anybody seen this?

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I am having similar issues. I can not launch VR. I am getting the Error message, ‘The initialization of VR failed. Please check that openxr is installed on your computer and your headset can use it’. I have a Quest 2, I think all software is up to date and also have Beta installed. Also, I have updated the registry ’ C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64,json’. Any help is appreciated.

so… the upshot of all this is… as its NEW … the VR update is difficult at best… especially if you have a quest 2 … i did get it working but its hard to handle… the controllers work sometime. other times the mouse, and sometimes the keyboard…

even when you DO get it to work, its incredibly power hungry… i have an all SSD Ryzen 9 12 core PC with 16gb ram ans a MSI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB VENTUS XS OC Turing Graphics Card … so pretty beefy…

and i still have to turn it waaay down to get any playability… its early days , but the implementation and integration into Oculus link is poor,

i use the Xbox game pass version… i cannot put it in the Oculus link software library… even though i have located the exe file etc… i have added other games to the library… but not MSFS2030 , it just comes up with an error saying system cant access it … i wonder if this is to force my to buy it from Steam ?? hmmmm…

i CAN say when i did briefly get it working acceptably … even on low graphics, it was super immersive … my wife put on the headset ( shes not into VR) and even she was blown away,., so… hopefully we can get it all sorted :wink:

yes, i see that now thanks… it started working…kind of …

How? Please share what you did. Thanks

In Oculus link software on pc, go into settings and tick the beta or developers…cant remember which it says…then it will update…
a wee tip… in devices, click quest 2 and scroll down and change it to 90hz…makes i a bit nicer.

Thanks, already had the 10 updates and nothing. Still no split view. Just a big flat virtual screen.

Did you press Ctrl and tab to switch to VR mode ? Also…
It DOES take a little time and a few attempts to work at first…restart your pc.

Hi, yes I did restarted the pc and pressed the binded control+Tab and it’s like pressing nothing. Also went to options, graphics, VR and tried to switch to VR but it does nothing. Any more ideas ?

One thing…do you have steam VR installed, ? It may not be technically recommended for MSFS if your not using steam version ( xboxgame pass for example)…but maybe there’s a component in the software that makes it work :thinking: so if you don’t have steam VR …install it.

Hi. No steam. Just normal MSFS installation
I am in México, where are you budy?
Still can’t make it to VR. Just VD.

Can Install Steam even if I do not run the sim on steam?
And if so. Where can I download steam vr? And the registry edit would have to be different right?

im in Scotland mate,
as for Steam, yes you can install it for free, its got loads of great VR and non VR content… TBH having it running at the SAME TIME as the oculus link software on your PC will slow down your PC…so maybe not until you sort your problem.

are you using a USB 3 cable in a USB 3 port ??
what does the oculus software say when you do a USB test ? does it pass ?
in oculus software under devices, what colour is your quest ? green, red ? yellow ? any error or warning messages ?

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this relates to XBOX GAMEPASS and standalone MSFS visions only…

version People…a word about steam … make sure that the Steam software is NOT running when you are using oculus link software… i shut down steam completely, removed it from my windows start up list , and now MSFS IS PLAYABLE… :grin:

Thank you Rob. Yes the usb test passes. I was able twice to get into VR cockpit the first day of the release but nothing more since then. I have installed and reinstalled the oculus software, have the 24 beta version and even put the registry edit manually and still nothing. Hopefully in a new update the will fix what ever is wrong with the compatibility
Take care and many thanks!

HI English speaking people, this post in French :grinning: :smile:

Je n’arrivais pas jusqu’à ce jour à lancer FS 2020 sur le quest 2
J’ai trouvé finalement une solution avec Virtual desktop (Oculus) - (Pas de link donc) + Patch Sidequest.
Je lance Virtual desktop sur le PC et sur le casque, puis Steam et Steam VR et FS 2020 en final.
Pas de carré noir,… définition moins bonne que sur mon écran, normal je suppose.
Mais pas de son !!! Alors que ca marche bien sur les autres applis Steam.
A suivre

English abstract :

Virtual desktop + Sidequest Add-on for Headset. (PC + Headset), then Steam and Steam VR, then FS 2020. Works fine except no sound :sleepy: :sleepy:

To be continued

I had the exact same problem as yourself, switching to vr wouldn’t work. So I installed steam and then steam vr (it’s an app available inside steam), changed the registry key to pint at the steam version, and now it works.

This is literally driving me crazy… done all the things above (apart from installing Steam as it said not to) and all I get is the one big tile view and not full VR…
I change the control keys so I can toggle it on and off and still nothing - juts stays in the same tile window…
Can anyone let me know a foolproof way of setting this up - step by step… surely it cant be this hit and miss…