No Taxi to Gate guidance

Greetings everyone,

My apologies if this has been discussed before but I did not find any recent post relating to the same.

I no longer get taxi guidance to the gates after landing.
Does it have anything to do with using FBW A32NX (Dev) or AIG Traffic?

How do you all end up finding the right taxiway and gate without the guidance?

Thank you in advance.


It is still there. I use both AIG and the FBW A320.
Check your settings.
They may have unknowingly been changed.

Basically, its greyed out in the Assistance tab that we use during flight.

Try the main options from the world screen, or hit Esc during a flight.
In the “Assistance Options” there, under “Navigation Aids”, you should be able to select “Taxi Ribbon”.

Is there anyway to toggle the “ribbon” on and off? It really kills immersion to have it on all the time but at some larger airports, it’s quite difficult to find your way around, especially the generic ones that don’t have gate markings displayed.

Taxi ribbon is not working for me upon landing and it is turned on in settings. It’s always been somewhat sporadic, but now isn’t working at all. I am on the current beta.

Do you have it turned on from the toolbar on screen, or from the Main menu options?
I had to do mine from the main menu to get it to work properly.

Main menu; have not turned it on or off from the toolbar. Sometimes I think it’s an issue with particular airports, but it’s not working at all for me right now.

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So, once you have confirmed it is turned on in the main menu, is the option to turn it on activated in the on-screen menu?

Are you talking about the assistance taxi ribbons or are you talking about being able to contact ground to get taxiing instructions?

I’ve found that the majority of my flights for the past two days have not had the option to ask ground for instructions to gate/parking.

I can’t figure out what is going on. I land, exit the runway, get the handoff to ground, tune ground, but then my options are only for taxi for takeoff and ground services.

This has happened at a number of airports in both CA and Mexico. I’m not understanding why.

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Addon airports, or MSFS stock airports?
I have the same situation for some time now, but only with addon airports.

Weird, I’m flying the CRJ to a bunch of airports, primarily in the US Northeast (both stock and add-ons), and have never had any issues contacting ground to get taxi instructions to the gate. The taxi instructions themselves are usually (but not always) very vague but they always provide the gate number. Then it’s on me to try to find it!

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I have no add-on airports. All stock MSFS airports. Mostly small regional/municipal airports.

Again, this is a new thing for me. It has always worked before. The one change, however, is I’m flying IFR in the EMB 110. Prior to this, I rarely flew IFR and focused on VFR in smaller GA aircraft to the same sorts of airports.

It may be airport specific.
I have noticed this happening at some smaller airports.
I doubt it’s the 110, try another airplane at the same arrival airport to confirm.

Well, we’re talking about the taxiway ribbon here. I’m afraid I can’t check on this right now, but will try later today if I can get to it.


The OP says “guidance”, which could be interpreted as guidance from ground ATC.

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Dont know if it has been mentioned but the free “littlenavmap” allows you to zoom in to taxiway level and see where the parking spots are. I started using it when my taxi guide arrows disappeared as well.

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I’ve had this happen a few times sporadically over the past few days. I have no options in my ATC window once I land.

When I do get ATC, all I get is “taxi to parking via taxiway” and get no specific instructions on which taxiways to use.


Sorry if I was not clear enough in my post.

After landing, I generally like to turn on the AI assistance only for taxi ribbon once ATC gives me taxi instructions for ground. But it is greyed out in the box (which opens using the tool bar on top of the screen - white arrow).


I have all AI options in the menus disabled apart from the taxi ribbon. I’m also using the FBW A320 and I always get the blue directional ribbon displayed on taxis for departure and arrival.

Is it disabled in your menus (AI options)? If so, that might be why it’s greyed out.

After landing and clearing the runway, it appears by itself for me, but I still acquire taxi clearance via ATC.