Nosewheel steering isn't functioning

Why do my aircraft keep losing nose wheel steering ability. I have a Logitech joystick with twist action rudder supposedly bound to the nose wheel, but recently it has stopped working. I think it may be due to some patch but nothing in any forum suggest a fix for this situation. If there is a control category for nose wheel steering I cannot find it. Please help as aircraft cannot taxi.

There is no NSW available in MSFS. You can only use the rudder to steer the aircraft. Itā€™s ridiculous.

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Try ā€œset steeringā€ in the ā€œmiscellaneousā€ section of options.

Does nothing

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Technically nosewheel steering is working. The issue is that itā€™s bound to the rudder. So you steer the nosewheel by moving the rudder. I have rudder set to a knob on the X56 that I use for taxiing.

I think what you mean to say is that nosewheel only steering isnā€™t functioning.

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Link your ā€œrudderā€ and ā€œset steeringā€ to your z-axis.
Works for me.

I assume you mean NWS. Donā€™t know why this is ā€˜ridiculousā€™.
On most aircraft the nosewheel steering is tied to the rudder pedals.

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Indeed - I meant NWS. NWS is indeed controlled with rudder for small GA aircraft but anything commercial or even larger GA usually have a decoupled rudder / NWS.

Even on bizjets like the Citation XLS the steering is tied to the rudder pedals.
The same goes for many military jets like the F/A-18.
Or on the commercial side the Metro. (The last two mentioned have a low and high gain mode)

Actually I have the same as some people here.

By steering the rudder, Iā€™m also steering a nosewheel at the same time.

Iā€™m not sure if you can change it in settings.

Do you happen to have Toolbar Pushback installed? There was an issue with version 1.2.1 that caused the problem you are describing. I experienced it myself. Couldnā€™t steer even though the external view showed my rudder and nosewheel turning. Version 1.2.2 fixed the problem. You can get the update here: Toolbar Pushback v1.2.2

Thatā€™s not the problem he is reporting. Toolbar Pushback has nothing to do with the coupled NWS/rudder. Completely irrelevant. You misread what OP was asking.

What did I misread? He canā€™t steer the airplane on the ground. Perhaps you read more into it than was intended by the OP.

Youā€™re right. I did read more into it than he was reporting. OP I have no explanation for your problem.

Since the NWS is tied to the rudder, have you checked if the rudder (axis) is still working and the rudder pedals/rudder actually deflect?

Was exactly the problem. This toolbar pushback is a good tool but to affect the steering in a negative manner is frustrating. Donā€™t know what ā€œset steeringā€ is for, but anyway thanks for all your help

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Interesting. I use toolbar pushback and can still steer and taxi. Obviously most people using the mod can too otherwise there would be a lot more complaints. Iā€™m wondering what is different with your setup.

IRL rudder and nose wheel are both connected to the rudder pedals. BUT in some aircraft rudder pedals are only connected to the rudder and relies on using right or left brake to turn the aircraft.

The problem was with version 1.2.1 only. The author fixed it within a few hours with version 1.2.2.

Wow, so the nosewheel tiller control in airliners is really just manipulating the brakes? I did not know that. I thought it was actually turning the nosewheel. So the animations in X-plane are completely wrong then.

How is the pilot able to manipulate the flight controls (including the rudder) during taxi without moving the aircraft left and right?