Notification that AI Co-Pilot is Activated

The option to engage AI Co-Pilot with CTRL+ALT+X is fine but there is nothing anywhere stating it is active.

If you then close MSFS with it active, on restarting the game, you can’t start any flights from World Map (at runway) without the aircraft going full throttle and all controls unresponsive. It looks like a Bug to the User as there is no confirmation the AI Co-Pilot is actually in control!

I spent an entire day, uninstalling and re-installing as it happened just as Update 6 came out so assumed it was a newly introduced bug! It was simply fixed by me hitting CTRL+ALT+X when someone asked if I’d activated it!

Simple UI notice (dialog box?) telling you it is active is all that’s needed…

Please vote…

To be honest I always leave the “AI CONTROL” window from the toolbar open.

Comigo acontece o mesmo, nas missões está tudo bem, mas no mapa mundial isso acontece… é muito mau.

Good tip but clutters up the screen somewhat…

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Somewhat, yes. I always keep it in the upper right corner since I usually use the AI pilot for taxiing. If you’re sure you have it turned off you can minimize the window to the bottom left.

This is best way I’ve found too.

There is an assistance option in notifications I think but then you get like everything. Need more granularity here.

Also would be nice if turning it on/off did not hide the vfr map. You have to watch where that AI copilot is going, has a mind of it’s own.

Also I’ve noticed some of these panels moving themselves since patch 6. Set them upper right also, but I think exterior / interior toggle or something and their moved.
Another problem with ATC and VFR map sometimes don’t respond when popped out (not always) and I have to pop them back to main window to select ATC options or zoom/scroll/GPS follow vfr map.

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I see what you mean. Yup, the “AI CONTROL” window now moves back to the middle of my main monitor while ATC window and VFR map on the second monitor usually stick to where they were. Also, I can confirm the “not responding” issue. The requirement of having to click e. g. the map to “reactivate” it usually leads to having the aircraft centering turned off. Also the text scaling on the ATC windows is weird at times but I personally consider these minor issues which I assume are being worked on (as they’re probably reported tons of times since they’re pretty obvious).

It would be really nice to have the conventional call and response, “You have control…”, “I have control” when switching over. I’d really like AI co-pilot Charlie to at least acknowledge that he/she is taking over … (then I can just concentrate on screaming silently in terror :sweat_smile:)

… At least Charlie seems to be able to handle radios without initiating CTD now!


Oh, that’s actually a good one. Not to mention that I would really like to have the guy sitting in the other seat.

Yep exactly. You’d think that with the visual integrity they’ve tried to build into this program (and mostly succeeded), when you see a guy/gal in the other seat from outside, you’d see them from inside too!

This was put as a wishlist item waaaaay back in August. hasn’t attracted many votes so far…

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I could live without notification but why on bing’s mapped earth, does the copilot want to pushback the minute ground power is connected?!? It makes no sense.


Charlie’s VERY eager … what more can I say?

He (or she for that matter) also wants to start taxiing during engine run-up. I mean it seems fair to request the clearance beforehand but (again) taxiing is usually the point where I would hand over to the PNF. And that guy tends to push any switches within a gazillionth of a second. Even the switches I’d like to set by myself.

Just my two degrees.

LOL You give the AI Pilot too much credit. !! A mind of his own ROFL

Seriously, his mind is greatly made up by settings in Config files, and when they are wrong (and some are), then he will do CRAZY things.

Can you blame him if he is told by a .cfg file that the approach speed for the plane is 0 knots !!!

No wonder he comes Lumbering at in virtual stall, and often land short. !!