I feel your pain. My G2 was out of commission for over two months while waiting on first, a cable, and then, a replacement headset. The cable is the most likely point of failure but if that’s been replaced and the headset still is dead, then the headset is the problem. HP really has a problem if they cannot diagnose which part is the problem, and have to replace one after another, as was my case.
FYI - I am running the Windows Store version and don’t have any performance complaints. I can’t directly compare to the Steam version, but I have not read anything here that would push me to one delivery method over the other - both are the same software.
I never tried Index, but I had Rift S and now have G2. For me, despite the G2 shortcomings, the difference is huge. Rift S was always slightly blurry in details, and SDE was always there. Not very annoying, as the brain could filter it out for the most part, but always there. And if you wanted, you could clearly see the pixels and the black borders between them without any problem. With G2 everything is extremely sharp, no SDE whatsoever. I can “guess” where the pixels are if I see contrast lines without good aliasing, but no black borders between pixels are visible at all, so no SDE. The difference is enormous. No, Index has a bit better resolution than Rift S, but not by much.
I’ve both G2 and Index and I can tell there is no SDE with the Index either.
However you can see another effect which is due the very nature of the LCD screen refresh process, especially when looking at bright areas like the sky (hence maybe why it is more prominent in simulators)
With respect it’s without a doubt SDE (for me) as in the gap between pixels and it is there with everything, it tends to be more apparent in sims given we look toward the horizon. How apparent tends to be subjective and a function of how well your eyes focus on the lcd. The vertical strip column is separate issue that I see occasionally too and have adjusted for it in SteamVR and this reduces that for the most part. As a comparison with my 2560x1440 monitor I can see SDE if I move around 1-2 inches closer.
I’m no spring chicken myself mid summer at best… eyes are decent. Yeah I’m weary of how subjective all things VR can be for people. The 2 bug-bears for me with Index after 2 years are glare & resolution with SDE being related to that. FOV and focal clarity across the lens are great as are adjustable refresh and brightness.
I have several different glasses and one of them, an old one, eliminate completely SDE in my Rift CV1, and the image still crisps, but obviously not as crisps as another one I use as it’s smaller and more recent. So I understand what you said here
Yes, this is getting really good. I’m finally back to the G2. It’s now starting to make sense.
Over Belize, on a good day, I can go up to 90 TAA and 100 OXR with motion repro, 120 terrain, pretty much everything on high except , building, grass on medium and AO and contact shadows on low.
Installed 466.27 few minutes ago. According release notes, the SteamVR bug creating lag if any kind of monitoring tool is used in background (afterburner, Open Hardware Monitor, Aerous Engines, etc. you possibly run one without even knowing) still not fixed…
Open issue: [Steam VR game]: Stuttering and lagging occur upon launching a game while any GPUhardware monitoring tool is running in the background. [3152190]
It’s bad.
But they fixed crash at launch of Prepar3D:
Fixed issue [Rigid Gems][Prepar3D]: The applications may crash or fail to launch.[3285067/3286874]
That’s a really interesting point. I never really considered that. I have just manually changed my page file so no longer used, based on your comments. A little experiment I have 32gig of really fast ram on a top range Alienware with core i9 etc. Have you noticed any tangible benefit from playing with the page file settings?
With the pagefile to OFF and my 32GB I cannot hear my disk “singing” during gameplay and I have less stutters for sure. As I said, when set to fully auto Windows chose one of my 2 old HDD (1TB and 500GB from 2012) and not my OS SSD 128GB or my new SSD NVME 500GB. I can obviously force it to one of those SSD, but why I’ll do that when all goes fine without any pagefile?
If you give it the possibility, it will use your disk even for few GB (4GB for me) in any case, even if you have free real ram. So it’s useless IMHO, and even more with 64GB. Under 32GB better to let it manage it just in case some apps abuse.
I too have a quest 2 and i ran into problems such as yours and using oculus debug tool i set the encode bitrate to zero and it helped a lot, dont really know what i am doing new to vr flightsim but you might want to look at your video driver see the debate about the various nvidea versions, at the mo the link and airlink are worse than virtual desktop for me but i manage to get 28fps in vr msfs, my rig is a i56600k and nvidea gtx1070 not the most powerful around, you might want to look at that it can befound in C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics
Recently, when I am in VR mode, steamvr always has a gray screen, loses the screen, and recovers later. It drives 457.30, i76700k, gtx1070, 32g ram, and VR device htcvive. Is there the same situation? There is no such problem when steamvr is in normal standby and running other VR programs. OBS and MSI afterburner are also used when playing the simulator. I don’t know if it’s time to change the driver version or if there’s something wrong with other VR programs. I don’t know if tomorrow’s SIM update can improve the hidden problem, because the last SIM version performed well in VR mode.