OAT of 248 C ?! (Impacts negatively on aircraft performance and autopilot function)

If they just fixed it 20 mins ago and seeing how it’s well past working hours in France (11:30 PM at the time of writing this), I’m guessing there was a “you’re not going home until you figure out what you broke yesterday and fix it” meeting between MS and Asobo today.


Well said :clap:

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Think of it this way. Working Title has their hands in so many things with this sim now that we might as well consider them the developers along with Asobo.

I have now idea if it came to that - I would hope it would just be within the studio group saying to themselves “we can let this go all weekend” - especially since it would appear to be on the server side. I am appreciative of this fix even if I am still at a loss how things like this keep getting through.

I’m in the F-15 at 48K now. The temp spiked at 45K, but I haven’t lost any performance. So far, so good.

It seems like the time up there is limited, however. I had to come down to around 42K after around a minute up there.

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They basically reversed what they broke yesterday and returned it to SU7 status where over FL440 temperatures would spike.

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I feel like the community moderators do the best they can, but if they’re being kept in the dark about what Asobo is doing as much as the rest of us, that’s a failing of communication on the part of others at Asobo, not the community moderators. Community moderators can only feed us information if they are actually given information to feed us.


Does it REALLY SPIKE NOW ?? Seems to be exactly as one would expect…


In what units is the y-axis (plane alt.) supposed to be?

Don’t panic guys, this the waited solar storm!!!
Time to do 250 nautical miles flights at FL190. Mine was LEPA to LEBL

Well maybe its fixed - but right now I cant load real world weather…

Yeah also getting the ol 220 deg 3 knots

It’s actual MSFS2020 data? Which program do you use to plot the meteo data?

aaaand, as would happen before, correct live weather loaded about a half hour into the flight, cruising, got a nice overspeed violation in OnAir in the CJ4. Oh well, at least it’s mostly working.

I do believe the Moderator’s do amazing job on this Forum. :clap:

There are some Simmers that will defend the sim no matter what, making excuses, I dont think this Sim would of had this fix, if it was not for these “so called wingers” that do believe in this sim. Now I dont have to follow a NOTAM flying below FL240. I believe in this sim, and love it, but I will not defend if they fail.

When I first noted the fault I followed protocol with Zendesk with pictures, giving me a number. However the so called complainers I think pushed it to be sorted. Rather than the laissez faire approach.


Hey, even NASA screwed the pooch on that one, and lost a lander that probably cost more than the net total MSFS revenue will be at the end of the 10 years, when they release MSFS 2030. Of course, getting 10 years out of a $110 purchase is a legit value, and I will not hold it against them in any way if they want me to buy something new…


This is not a bug, in fact it is a leak of MSVFS - Microsoft VENUS Flight Simulator.


I just got 2 flights without any temperature issue. Both flights are above FL300

I hope the issue is completely resolved. I also hope the MSFS team could have better communication for any major issue like this.

Well, I went to 65,000 ft. on afterburner and had no anomalies, so I’m calling it good!

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What was you flying?

Edit F18, misread about the afterburner.