First of all… thank you SeedyL and FactualGull once again for a superb Event and the good cause though you’ve been forced to tell the longest joke during VFR in the night and while being totally tired and exhausted
Second: I’ve found a reproducable bug in the SR22 and maybe in another aircraft. When you click on the aircraft-pic in your navigational planning enviroment (the globe) to set your weight and balance, go back to the map and come back again in order to check your inputs you reset everything. The fuel quantity suddenly jumps from full to half. This happend to me in the midwest, where I double-checked my fuel but in fact reduced it resulted in an unneeded fuel stop + 10 minutes. Maybe somebody report this to the Devs.
For the first time I got CTD, not once but 2x times resulted in 1h loss for the first one and 40 Min for the 2nd one. Did not seen this neither in the VL3 (Paris-Dakar) or in the Pipistel Virus (Canada). Though I restarted everything accordingly (simair + msfs) and the recording of the 2nd flght was fine, the simairclient stopped recording midair. But everything in chronical order:
From NY crossing the Appalachian Mountains. This leg was quite uneventful and I enjoyed the Big Apple and the Vista.
Through the Mid West. Well again uneventful except the wind, becoming more and more a factor and forced me to stay low just above the mist and fog. With the SR22 I stayed close to the leading group of 6-7 planes.
My first CTD after an hour of flight. So I started in KHUF twice and lost my position in the top leading group of 6 falling back to position 14 or 15. The more interesting part was the routing. I’ve taken a more southbound one through the First Nations Reservates with huge forests quite similiar to Canada where you can see forests and small lakes for hours except the many hills.
Again due to the strong winds I stayed low, sometimes just 500 feet AGL. The wide flat Sierras allowed this if you’re not encounting a windpark or other man-made obstacles. But I had to stay cautious. The terrain was climbing. And while SeedyL and FG struggled with the upcoming night the sun still was alive for me and I decided to divert to Las Vegas/ New Mexico to refuel by daylight.
My second CTD after 40 Min flight… argh… this gave me the rest. From now on I was flying for fun still hoping for a place within the Top 10. After landing in Phoenix I recognised, that simair stopped logging my flight midair. It seems, I am not the only one struggeling with fatigue.
The last leg is without simair either. The ***** cllient stopped working completly. And still now I cannot open the flight. It shows just an endless spinnging wheel. So I have to show my MSFS Logbook and Screenshots to document my arrival.
Touch-Down at 21:53 Local Time, I can’t tell you which one? Eastern, Western… was too tired and went to bed cause here in Europe it was already 7:00 am in the morning.