[OFFICIAL] Community Fly-in Event: Vancouver Island

Just checking up, 10 am our time, and realised I’d missed the event!

Note to self - 0500 Sydney time means 5 am, not 5 pm :frowning:

Oh well, I’ll load the flightplan and fly the trip solo to see what a missed.


Thank You @SeedyL3205 I really appreciate I sure will be keeping an eye and looking forward for the next one !!!

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Thanks again for being such great guides! This was my first fly-in but certainly not my last…


I was finally able to get past the CTD issue by updating my graphics drivers, and I joined up at the first waypoint. This is my first planned multiplayer event, and while I had fun, I found it annoying that I couldn’t see the other planes unless they were close enough to fill nearly half my screen. Any farther than that, and they’d vanish. I could still see their lights (nav, beacon, strobe, landing), but not the aircraft. I had to keep the tags on in order to stay with the group, and that was a negative for me. Is there a setting to increase the visibility distance for the other aircraft?

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This was an amazing event.
Some impressions:


Yesterday was my first “Community Fly-in event”! It was amazing! Great time with a lot of pilots! Very funny!


Feel famous (almost) seeing my gamertag in some of these shots :grinning:. Great session and thanks for the screen shots.