Official Discussion: August 19th, 2021 Development Update

About windgust bug thats not in the list of fixes

Looks like this obvious and important bug is not fixed in the next update either. They didn’t list everything but this type of bug they should have listed at the top of fixes. Why fix small lod popping issues when the wind is not working propperly that makes the planes fly? Sorry i don’t understand this anymore. Can someone explain the priority to me please? I think i have the answere my self and it’s allways graphics that comes first because that is what we can see.


Looking at the (draft) release notes. I would say. Alright, a step in the right direction. So if they don’t break more than they fix this time, we might actually get at some of the (if not all of the) visuals back from pre SU5. And usually the actual release features even some more fixes.

My next favorite fix would be the darn Flightplanner and the AP which relies on it, which affects all planes and forces a lot of workarounds when flying procedures etc (eg. turn around bug).

BTW. Nice view of the Matterhorn. So you can play AirZermatt :wink:

Probably because of the huge back lash on the forums after the last sim update when PC users were (rightly) upset that their LODs and detail leaves had been thrashed to accommodate Xbox.


Indeed, very good blog. Thank you MSFS for your hardworking !

Sometimes this forum leaves me speechless.

Reading these shortened release notes more than 2 weeeks ahead of release containing stuff people were loudly asking for and then saying Asobo/MS aren’t listening…



The world updates are the most exciting content for me. I’m particularly excited for this world update because I do most of my flying in Switzerland and it could use some love. Switzerland doesn’t even have a single POI in the base game yet and could use some work in the elevation maps department. Nice to see new aerials coming.

They have separate teams for content updates and bug fixes so it would be counter productive to hold up one team for another, in my opinion.


But this is a flight simulator not a graphics simulator. Maybe i’ve bought wrong product

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Thank you for bringing this up again. Especially this point: “Tree draw distance to the horizon” - stright up a lie. (you can only and to en extend archive this with setting LOD 400-600 via config).


Most of the toxic stuff posted here on the forums after SU5 could make you think otherwise.


There is a Q&A coming up - have you asked the question?

Just for context, I think part of the problem is the communication. There are too many asynchronous channels of communication; We’ve got zendesk, which has no global visibility, and the bug lists, which have varying update cadences (And I’d argue don’t even contain HALF of the known bugs in the game platform), and then the release notes themselves, which by asobo’s own admission is often missing lots of notes.

Just for comparison, have a look at how Bungie is handling their massively popular and complex game, Destiny 2: |

It’s just a vastly more clear, centralized, and accurate system for conveying the “state” of the game, and letting people know what is being fixed and when, and how it impacts them.


Why don’t you add the question ot the dev Q&A if you’ve not already?

I don’t need context to see that no matter what MS/Asobo do (limited by time) will make those people happy.
It’s just beyond my imagination how people can react like that.

You can’t compare MSFS with some other game.
And people here are angry for some other reason than transparency. Asobo fixes things that people ask for and then it’s not right again. Seriously.


Is that a deliberate typo? You know what that means, right?

Sure, I suppose if someone wants to save time, one could generalize an entire group of people.

All I’m saying is that it’s possible to have a much more clear and concise communication system. But you’re right, its’ not a panacea.

And I’m not sure what you mean by saying you “can’t compare” them - It’s not really a comparison - It’s just an example of way WAY better way of dealing with a huge customer base, handling a massive quantity of bug reports, and communicating that information.

The back lack was justified.

The last sim update was rushed out to meet a deadline set by Microsoft. That deadline meant Asobo didn’t have the time to fix some major issues, as a result, many people here suffered the consequences. For example lots of CTDs (even with users who have no mods), unstable live services, graphic issues, aircraft performance issues etc.

Re: Graphics - This simulator was very heavily marketed as a graphical masterpiece. Pretty much every intro video started with “Shot in 4K in real-time”, and then proceeded to show stunning scenery. MSFS is meant to be a flight simulator that matches the world.

When the last update was forced out to meet a deadline to accommodate Xbox, lots of graphic related things got nerfed. Things that in some cases shouldn’t have been, or should have been tied to a slider (see the comment from Jayne on this weeks post about the slider that is coming).

When you consider Microsoft posted specs for this game that included an RTX2080, 10th Gen, 32GB DDR4 etc, which people went out and brought, only to have their experience heavily nerfed for people with lower machines, it was always going to cause upset. - Upset that is justified, Microsoft basically promised one thing then broke that promise with another. In many countries, a business that did that would be prosecuted by consumer protection watchdogs, but Microsoft is too large and the sim’s userbase too small for that to be likely.

Now - Do I think UI/Visual fixes should be prioritised over things like CTDs, unstable installation loops etc, no. But again the criticism is warranted, just as the criticism from people who might point out that certain features were promised and have never been delivered.


I agree that having an open bug tracker will make things more transparent. But it won’t get you a different result.
Why can’t people simply wait two weeks and see what’s in there?

I understand that those facing CTD and game breaking bugs have an urgent interest whether their bug will be fixed or not. But knowing it won’t change anything.
Why can’t we just see that there’s a lot of work being done less than a month after a huge release, obviously containing fixes that were loudly requested? And just wait?

Such reactions just have one outcome: MS will think twice before posting release notes ahead of time next time. Probably that will make everyone happier, right?

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But not a single weather item was listed as fixed when this is a flight simulator. What makes plane fly?

I understand all the ctd’s but all the graphics fixes i can’t understand. Before SU5 we complained about performance issues now when we got performance increase we complain about graphics. They can’t make everybody happy with graphics. If they fix problems with the flightdynamics it will benefit all of us who use this sim.


I submitted a detailed question but it got rejected… said another question was taken instead (I thought it was much broader though). I asked if I could appeal it, but the decision stood as it was. That’s just the way it goes sometimes.

We don’t more scenery when the no1 priority is