Official Discussion: August 26th, 2021 Development Update

Respectfully, this is outrageous. Every update that is released has fixed issues while simultaneously causing new issues, and breaking previously working features with varying degrees of severity.

Can you PLEASE communicate to the engineering management, QA/QE leads or the executive production team that ALL releases should be beta tested.

I’m not sure what alternate universe the executive team is living on, but it must be a nice place where releases are made of magical fairy dust and delivered by unicorns rode by happy little cherubs.


I was Looking forward for a huge marketplace update…
The overview which item is available on which platform and Status Needs to be refined. Maybe use a pc or xbox Icon in the graphic with optional Update Text below it.

there are zero new aircrafts on my Xbox MSFS marketplace although the development update states some are supposed to be there.

And no updates are even announced for the two Carenado planes (YMF & Cessna 170) on which you cannot click away the tablets on Xbox.

On PC, none of the prodcuts I own have an update available…some of them have been submitted according to the third party developers many weeks ago.

Oh my…

My wallet stays shut for any purchases anymore for this sim. Makes no sense to throw good money after the bad.


It says the planes and other content listed for Xbox will be released in the coming days.

Hm… it is good to hear marketplace is working again. But I was hoping for ORBX London update and EGLC update, as since SU5, I cannot fly to London…

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I wonder how troublesome updating the marketplace has been since the launch of the Xbox version.

The three Carenado aircrafts coming to Xbox this week are nowhere to be found in the marketplace anymore – even though they were shown before as “PC Only”. The same for IndiaFoxtExcho’s Model 61. The MB-339 is still there, though.

Both Seattle Landmarks and Hong Kong City Times also seem to have been removed in anticipation to the Xbox’s release.

On a side note, it was mentioned in the blog post that 10 new products were released on Monday – but only 8 of them were listed. Was that a typo, @Jummivana?

Nonetheless, thanks for keeping us informed!

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I think there needs to be a way to inform Satya Nadella on what a hot mess this has been.

We’d really rather Microsoft/Asobo focus on getting a high quality product out. I love to get new content regularly but NOT at the expense of HORRID experience.

Not even the main Microsoft products ever force users to update to the newest versions. We’re usually able to continue with the previous versions of MSFT software before deciding it’s safe to update.


Weather and terrain API? That surely sounds interesting and reassuring. Looking forward to the Q&A. Gj Jummi & Team, on staying on track and putting up with some of the things going on here, you guys rock!

I am ok with the fact that the marketplace updates will be coming to xbox in a few days, but, basically another group of GAs? I am ready to spend money on Embraer, CRJ and even CS B777 (if it comes with real liveries) and of course many more to come with A220 leading the list together with the PMDG birds next year…but now I would really expect the CRJ or Embraer or CS 777 to be at least announced as a target…

Got a good feeling we’ll just be getting the Carenado pipers on xbox this update :frowning: not the ones we want

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Yeah bit of a hot mess there…

I hope that it will be Just Fligh Piper Arrow.


Chances are low because it does not say that they’ve been added to PC, only updated the existing ones :frowning:

Hmm, I can’t see this post on the front page, and have been having issues with that in general. Anyone else?

The latest posts on right now are the August 19 and August 12 dev updates.

That’s always been an issue with the site, even in the pre-release times. You have to log in so that you can see the latest news posts, but make sure you do not set it to remember your log-in session else you’ll get the “XBLA invalid” error.

Another alternative is to add “?123” next to the link:

@Jummivana Please inform the development team for the Reno Races addon that the prop for the Six Cat is spinning in the wrong direction. Just passing it on from the Reno Air Races Facebook page where a member(Pilot noticed it)!


Automation anyone? Don’t tell me that this process needs to be manual. If you can write software that can analyse Bing images to make a fair representation of the globe then this seems to be a simple task in comparison. Like others have pointed out previously it’s not like actual verification of functionality takes place during this process.


With all the issues that could arrise for WU6 I’m very surprised there’s no beta testing group, issues can arise and they need to be fixed before it goes live.

These WUs have in the past included their own problems, Terrain Spikes being one of the major ones that should’ve been dealt prior to release and that a beta group would’ve found.

Another baffling decision and again proof that lessons are not being learnt.


For Farming Simulator and Snowrunner it is also a manual task. So when they startet with theri own ingame modhub, they also struggle at the begining, with their speed.

Would beta testing make a difference?