Official Discussion: August 26th, 2021 Development Update

View the latest Development Update here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion.


We all really believe that the upcoming update will fix the problems that the SU5 has brought with a decrease in graphics on the PC, the quality of the clouds, the color stripes in the sky, the quality of the earth’s texture, the landing lights of traffic and much more…
Despite these problems, I thank Asobo for their work. We are waiting for the best result and correction of errors in the new update!


Hi, Jummivana

Before the September 7 update, will there be a set of testers to verify the update?



The story of Mookattacks is so moving, if she ever reads this, I’m very sorry for your loss, I hope he enjoyed your company in these last months and what you did for him so he could enjoy MSFS.


really disappointed the marketplace didn’t update today

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No updates today and another week without new planes in the marketplace.


Hi @dlebedev,

There is no external Beta test group for the upcoming World Update 6. Focus for flighting groups has been mostly for the major Sim Updates.

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That is not a reassuring answer since world updates alone have introduced new bugs. A lesson will Be repeated until it is learned.


This is typical. They’re keeping a low profile until next week when they do the next update and Q&A. Then the forums will blow up with the next round of good, bad and ugly things associated with the update.


Hi Jummivana,

Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work. You do a great job at what you do. I don’t know if you hear that enough.



They created bugs and solve it ,that is all.


Aaaand no Mooney in the update list. She stays grounded for another week… :frowning:

I missed this last dev update, but I find it encouraging to see the Weather and Terrain API’s under investigation…

This is not a bash. But Asobo needs to hire more to maintain the marketplace. There is a huge backlog of submissions that need updates after SU5, and products that have to be put in the Xbox store. The current maximum that Asobo seems to be able to do is 10 a week. There are 520 products, probably most of them at least having to be put in the Xbox store. And that isn’t accounting for née products. At 10 a week, it will take a whole year just to get through the updates. And even with 10, that seems to cause issues posting to the marketplace week after week.

With Xbox, this is the only means currently for add one. Developers are also new competing to get products into the marketplace. It can’t be this slow to get updates out. It just can’t. This process needs more bodies now, and it needs to be more efficient. Otherwise you are going to frustrate developers and buyers.



slider to increase/decrease scenery culling!!!


Looking forward to this World Update as it’s an extremely beautiful region of Europe! I see Italy has made it to the top of the wish list as well.

I tell @Jummivana the same thing almost every single day. It probably means more coming from you though. :wink:


I dunno, for many, this IS a major sim update. Here’s to hoping the update process goes smoothly and the fixes fix.