Official Discussion: January 6th, 2022 Development Update

So I finally took time out after getting the update later last week to measure an track my approximate framerates. I was a bummed to find a substantial (precipitous) drop from the post SU7 rough and pre-update measurements i took. Pre SU 7 I was getting about 55-60 FPS with NO Community Scenery Addons. That dropped to about 47FPS after SU7 and about 39-42 with the PFD and MFD Popped out. I switch over to Flying the Kodiak when it came out and been doing some intensive SPAD.NEXT Cockpit programming (I hate mousing around in the cockpit if I can avoid it) but saw no difference in FPS.
After the Jan 6th Update I get about 29-31 FPS and just 13-17 FPS with the MFD and PFD popped out. The Aircraft type makes little to no difference in FPS. Overall Iā€™m bummed out by decreased the graphics performance. My Perf is solidly limited by RdrThread.


Iā€™m wondering if someone can help me iā€™m not sure why my flight simulator is updating to Sim Update 7 because the flight simulator version is or something but mine is still showing 1.21.13.x iā€™ve checked to see if thereā€™s any updates and there isnā€™t, am I missing something? Any help would be very helpful

Series X Here,

Fixed a bunch of CTDs for me but still have had a handful and I still I have micro stutters at random that makes gameplay unbearable at times but seems to be getting better (regardless of PG on or off). Live weather is working great for me. One bug Iā€™ve noticed over the past month is Autopilot doesnā€™t follow nav or heading if I am in cursor mode even though FD is showing it should be adjusting course, clicking left stick seems to help get the AP back on track. Looking forward to more optimization and more marketplace content.

It wants to update to the newest incarnation of Sim Update 7, which is 1.21.18.x of January 6th discussed in this very thread. See it as a hotfix or patch with a few important fixes.

Iā€™m not sure where you have checked, but it was clearly announced where all such announcements are made:

Sorry I meant isnā€™t updating that was a typing error I want Sim update 7 to install but I canā€™t find it on the Xbox Insider hub and neither has it automatically installed I donā€™t know whatā€™s happened

I donā€™t know where I saw this but you might need to delete the current downloading file (the one that gets suck at 63%) and restart MSFS. It then should go through.
But Iā€™ve no idea where the partial files are stored and I canā€™t find the post anymore.

He or she asked about WU8 not 7

I found a solution for myself with the edges at the corners of the clouds. I changed the render scaling from 100 to 120, now it looks a lot better. maybe you can help too ā€¦

Will try that thx

edit: its better, but still doing it

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I always give this game another chance but it always lets me downā€¦
Another CTD on xbox series x
I was on final approach with b747 for istanbul airport, live weather on, and as many times before, 50ft above ground/runway it crashesā€¦
Its broken, guess i have to wait until another update/patch arrives

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Hello, @GenBrienYQB . Just noticed your photo showing Shift-Z Stats in use. I donā€™t know if youā€™re aware, but Shift-Z Stats when displayed at the upper left of the external view screen blocks the compass-rose gauge from appearing on that screen. There is a way to move the Shift-Z stats lines to the upper right, which will return the compass-rose gauge to the screen at the upper left of external view. It involves a quick edit of a Shift-Z Stats file, as described in the comments to Shift-Z Stats at

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well I dont know about that. Russia has 11.

With its 12 standard times, France currently holds the world record for the country with the most time zones, beating even the United States and Russia, which have 11 time zones each.

The main part of the country, France mĆ©tropolitaine, which lies in central Europe and includes the capital Paris, spans only 1 time zone. The remaining 11 time zones are added by Franceā€™s dependencies (France dā€™Outre-Mer). Please see below for a complete list.

When Saint Pierre and Miquelon observes Daylight Saving Time, it even adds a 13th local time to the count.

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ah right, counting colonies. Looking at it that way, even small Netherlands has different timezones :grinning:
I think Russia has the most consecutive timezones, which agreed is different. But all are in the country of Russia.
Russia is the country to have most consecutive number of time zones. Russian time zones are UTC-2, UTC-3, UTC-4, UTC-5, UTC-6, UTC-7, UTC-8, UTC-9, UTC-10, UTC-11 and UTC-12.
Useless fact: It also mean that Putin broadcasts 11 seperate New Year Messages.

Offtopic, this is not a topic to measure who is bigger.

When the thread is wandering worse than the first time an SP gets a hold of the yoke. Letā€™s please get back on course folks. Thanks.

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time zones are critical when planning flights. Being familiar with these is a must.
But thanks for the heads up. Much appreciated.

Where is Canada :canada: in the pipeline for a World Update?

Canada has more photogrammetry info on more cities than Australia and is the fourth largest buyer of MSFS 2020! What more do Asobo and Microsoft need to give Canada a little attention? They also need to do the CF-105 Avro Arrow as a local legends!
What is going on?

Canada :canada: should be the next world update

  1. Second biggest country in the world
  2. Lots of great unknown treasures
  3. Great architecture
  4. Endless landscapes
  5. Great weather
  • ever try and land on a snowy runway?
    -take off from a remote fishing camp with floats
  1. Fabulous sunsets - as they are longer!
  2. Northern lights (aurora borealis)
  3. Lots of cities with photogrammetry
  4. Lots of rugged terrain:
    sand dunes,
    elevated lakes,
    challenging airport landings and take-offs,
    great bush pilot routes
  5. great historical aircraft: CF-105 Avro Arrow and
    a rich aviation history
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Your a Canadian for sure!

I was really delighted that after the update I couldnā€™t see any cloud banding on any of the flights, and there were a lot of them, but just now I had to see that itā€™s still there. So it hasnā€™t been fixed yet.