Official Discussion: January 6th, 2022 Development Update

Please advise me friends. Its been stuck on 63% for 10 hours. Yes you read that right…ten :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

I started the download then went to bed. Woke up to this. What can I do?

Close the window and restart MSFS again? The download actually continues where it left off. However, restart your computer after the abort.

I will try that thanks, will get back on here to say how things went.

Its not working and I just noticed a strange thing.

It is again stuck at 63%

However it cycles back and forth with the downloaded MiB increasing-decreasing (note the 93.31 going to 93.32 then back to 93.31)


…endlessly. And so it sticks on 63%

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you see the edges of the clouds?

I am stuck on an eternal download freeze @ 63%


MS please help…


really strange and never seen before. In case I don’t have this kind of problem then only one reason I expect - settings on graphic card. Don’t know what type you have but this can be some thing of that, probably. I remember taht some time ago someone reported change of his graphics settings after update of driver, common problem. Next is in case of Nvidia that panel??? or Experience feature??? that do many CTDs. Thnx for that examples and give yourself question, if I don’t have this why you have? Something on your side not sim probably.

I have this too
gawd its distracting when in motion

do you have AMD or Nvidia GPU?

Asus GTX 1070 Ti 8GB (Nvidia)
Also my spec is available at my profile hope…

I fly mostly on Slovakia and around countries on Vatsim, HD settings with most High but not Ultra, different. have 60FPS without problems, very satisfied.

do you mind sharing all your settings in the Nvidia control panel?

my system is rtx 3080 TI, I9 12900K, 64GB , 400 MBit/LAN , my settings most on ultra but clouds on high. this is since su 7

i have clouds on Ultra and got those ugly things :man_shrugging:

and i play in 4K

Here you have:

Last parameter value :1 (not visible)

But maybe we are out of Topic but only share this now.

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only thing that I had different than you was Texture filtering: high quality
texture filtering trilinear optimization OFF

I’ll try to lower High Quality to only Quality + switch the other from off to ON

will report back/edit

problem not solved :frowning:

Me too, and nothing has changed in Nvidia settings or driver.

Hard to help,

look again logically that some Nvidia Panel settings have Application set feature so inside sim you need have also some settings.