Official Discussion: September 30th, 2021 Development Update

I’m in and will DEFINITELY test this issue for you. Tx for the reminder!

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Yep. I’m afraid that is correct. At least that’s what I had to do using standard locations.

Last time I did a beta flight before I installed the beta I took my “\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore” folder and backed it up to another drive. So worst case scenario was that I would completely uninstall the sim, back out of beta, re-install the 1gb package from the MS store and then copy my “\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore” back to the install directory so I would not have to re-download all of the content.

I do the same procedure before regular sim/world updates.

I’m opting out of this one, but for the testers who get in:

  1. Test the ATC, traffic,etc
  2. Test out the “turn-back” bug(issue since day1 when you change info in the FMC/MCDU

Thanks and good luck!


Hello Microsoft Flight Simulator Team

I don’t understand you don’t give opportunities to Steam users in open Beta version.

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Joined the beta for xbox

Probably because they use the Xbox Insider App which only works with Windows Store games.

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I hope they fix the bugs on the servers, they won’t even let me activate the photogrammetry, what a shame ASOBO.

Friendly request to remove the huge trees in front of the runway in the glideslope of basically every airfield and smaller airports. It’s like every landing has been made a challenge, except no points to gather.

When completing legs and come back to finish the other legs, all the navigation information and waypoints for the next legs are not loaded…I hope I’m making sense?


Wouldn’t this be something for a WU rather than a SU? What do you think?

After you complete the first leg of the trips and you exit by going back to the main menu, when you come back to continue where you left off ,the POI indications in the FD panels and in the VFR Map disappear. Also only 4 characters are shown of the POI on the FD panel. For example is you have POI24, you only see POI2 the 4 is not shown. Also after you fly a few legs the POI distances are messed up.


Well, this topic is about development in general so basically I don’t care where, when or how they do it.

But the people complaining about World Updates finally got what they wanted, less and postponed world updates. I think trees exactly in front and in the glideslope is something that should be solved quickly but there are propably more important things then landing an aircraft normally.

Can’t say I’ve seen this anywhere - can you share some locations and screenshots?

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I see what you mean and I am absolutely with you in this. I guess these belong to the category of glitches.
I would guess that if you’d log a ticket on zendesk for the runway(s) where you experience this behaviour (I haven’t seen it anywhere yet), then they will be able to correct this in a future release.
That is: when this isn’t caused by a plugin or addon of course. So you beed to be sure that this is absolutely vanilla behaviour. Otherwise you’ll need to contact the third party.

Besides: did you vote on this topic? Trees before runway 25r eddf

And you could search for: Trees runway and vote for all the runways that you recognize. There are already some with the new tag “bug logged”

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I should possibly open a separate topic about it and report it to zendesk. I usually fly with the Caravan and since half a year I’m focused on the smaller airfields with runways from about 2000 ft up to about 6000ft. At the moment I’m all the way up in Norway but when I flew in Germany, Switzerland and Austria I saw this a lot, maybe I have some screenshots left. And of course it’s in the areas where there are more forests/trees but when I compare with the real life the trees are up to 3 times higher in FS. I’ll get back on this.

Great thanks. I use Bijan’s seasons mod, so wonder if that’s what means I don’t see this, but it would be good to check

How can the signups be full 20 minutes before the go live time? I’ve just tried on the go live time and I get the same message about it being full…

Hey, we’re all beta testers.

Finally got a couple of hours of flying in (small GA on PC). I like the gusts around mountain tops.

Bridges have walls under them (almost any US city). Collapsed bridges or bridges OK but traffic drives under them (Las Vegas). Water covering roads that traffic is driving through (Rockies). There are all sorts of spots in the world with green coloring (Bing maps?).

ENTER key removed from UI with no replacement, must go to mouse.

Based upon old in-game vids saved last year, clouds don’t seem as wispy and airy as before. Storm fronts seem less detailed.

Lots of errors remain in the basic game. You should focus on those first.

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It wasn’t, are you sure you didn’t misread the time?
I refreshed at 2pm (UTC+2) on the 1st of October and got a spot as soon as MSFS appeared in the Insider Hub. Some people answered this thread 1 hour (almost 3pm (UTC+2)) later and still got a spot.

October 1st at 5 am PT/8am ET (1200Z).

I have to say that the time is badly written for non US folks. I had to Google what it meant (and wth is 1200Z?? Are they for real posting Military Time? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I didn’t even know that was a thing)