[Official Discussion] Top Gun: Maverick DLC


I don’t believe this is intended to remind us of this,

But still, I hope Mave and Rick are very happy together.


I’m having problems with the DLC after download I click on it to play and it takes me back to dowloads?

Yeah me too same problem, restarted dozens of times without success I never catch the cables… :thinking:

Edinburgh to Reykjavik in 11 minutes? These are the sort of flight times we’re all here for.

275,000 feet. Mach 10


Imagine what would happen if you would use 16x slew on top of that :grimacing:

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See EnsiFerrum666 post further down

Turn Menu Animations to ON

General Options / Accessibility / Menu Animations

I caught the 3 wire on the 20th attempt or so and then I caught the 1 wire. Keep trying. it is not easy landing on a ship.

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The solution came hours after I played through and uninstalled it again… But thanks.

Yet another fighter?
I have to admit that I am slightly dissapointed.
Instead of putting all this effort into producing something fictional from a movie
I wish they would get on and produce something real like gliders.
Top Gun may be a big thing in the US but it isnt everywhere.
Please put your effort in giving us some gliders.


Hello @CynicalLake3917,

Gliders are currently under development and are targeted to release later in 2022.



that is really great to hear. Thanks.

Id rather pay for quality content


First hit mach 3, then turn on the fuel cell to the right of the yoke, then hit scram jet. This will fire up engine 3 and 4. eventually 1 and 2 will power down but 3 and 4 will get you to mach 9.5, i got over 200,000 feet as well, super fun


Yeah id rather pay for quality content, not even gonna download this free content .


So other than landing on the carrier during this challenge, you can’t free flight? Taxi around on the carrier, catapult off the deck etc.?

Sim is becoming somewhat fantasy like,disappointing :unamused:

I’m pretty harsh when it comes to the normal running of the simulator as it doesn’t work as it should, however keep in mind that Flight Simulator is not an air combat simulator other specialized simulators do it very well, simulators that I had the chance to use when I had the space and the pc necessary for them to operate in good conditions, today I am on xbox and I therefore take this free dlc as a means of having fun just like the rest of the combat jets present in the simulator, conclusion this dlc is a good dlc for fun it even motivated me to review the first top gun which made my child’s eyes shine at the time , this film was already a pure fiction against an unknown or supposed enemy, punctuated with maneuvers for some unrealizable in the real world, but what fun !! The only downside is that some bugs are still present and they affect my experience and therefore the pleasure I take.


The solution for this issue was already posted in this thread. Did that not work for you?

When you ebter the sim it does an update. Then you have to go into the marketplace and download the rest. Ut’s almost always a two step process.
Is that what you mean or have you already done that?

The Aurora and other type of classified aircraft are not a fantasy.