Official Discussion: Upcoming Hotfix Announcement

Thanks for this, a useful suggestion. Your detailed description of what the different settings actually do is really interesting, I’ve never seen anything like this for the graphics options, is such a description available for all the options anywhere?

There’s some I really can’t figure out e.g. terrain vector data that I’ve never found a good explanation of, even objects level of detail that everyone recommends setting to high but I’ve never really seen an effect of changing it, terrain level of detail seems to control everything I see in terms of draw distance. Thanks.

Yes I absolutely get this.

being one of those who were not happy with the last update I want to say thank you for listening to the community. I understand that due the complexity of the software you need some time to react.

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[HOW-TO] Graphics Settings and Performance Guide (SU5 Complete Retest) (8/2/2021) - Student Pilots / Advanced Pilot Guides - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

You can thank Babu for his hard work

Didn’t a previous Dev. Q&A touch on this, and also explaining tree size. Making the trees larger meant they could have less trees in a given “grid”. To make the trees smaller would require more of them in that particular “grid”, and this would affect performance. I think they hinted that changes could be made in future when more performance overhead became available. Perhaps with recent changes we are approaching that point?

Lost count of the number of people pointing out to others encountering this issue that it was a problem about textures not loading in. Server load or bandwidth issue (whatever that is) it amounts to the same thing, So many encountering the problem started shouting about downgrades and a reduction in quality because of the Xbox when all it is is a loading issue that affected some users.


Not really. The extensive CPU optimizations remain and will still make huge a impact, at least for those who were constantly CPU-limited in SU4.

A bit of a simplification here, but I see what you mean, as there were many factors at play here. One way to look at it would be this: If there really weren’t issues, why would they be releasing a hotfix, and further improvement in WU6? You can’t fix what isn’t broken. But you can clearly break what was once working.

That’s why I describe world updates as nothing more than eye candy as they tend to just be an update to photogrammetry / bing data and don’t normally update the core sim functionality in any meaningful way.

Nice! Wonder if we’ll be losing the smooth performance once the LOD is fixed again. Back to the micro stutters maybe?

the texture issue is a loading issue, that I don’t have and it runs smoothly, colour correction doesn’t affect the on screen graphics just their colour balance, like pulling down the highlights and bumping up the shadows.

On paper there would be a clear distinction between the two, but they have already blurred the lines between a WU, and SU once before, at least.

The update has been out for 7 days. The actions of many on this forum were utterly ridiculous.


It would be very odd if it did. Texture resolution is purely a memory issue. They are still running the same number of fragment shaders per frame.

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Thanks for this, it is great and I really appreciate the work done on it. There is more specific detail though in the post I responded to and I’m wondering where this came from? There are also some options that don’t have any description in Babu’s post.

True. It just shows how bad it must be working in customer support! The knee jerk reactions and immediately jumping to the most negative conclusion are really tiresome.

I’ll try to dig out a link to the video in question that discussed this.

Tree size discussion

Later tree talk

Tree latitude discussion

In bush trips weather can be different on the same leg with other players on the same leg. When played with a friend I have clear sky and my friend has overcast /cloudy. There is also an issue with disappearing name tags (either I see him or he sees my name tag only very few minutes that we can both see our name tags). Restarting after a crash in bush trip flight can spawn you in a mountain or a location where you can not recover and keep crash every time you click on Ready to Fly yellow button, we got around that to fly the previous leg again then the following leg. Pictures of destination airfields have disappeared from the navlog in Bush flights. Last but not least mouse usage is very slow I have to keep clicking for up to 10/15 time to choose or select a command

Not quite as they usually include optimisations aswell. e.g. the Nordic update gave me an up to 10% fps boost depending on location.

To be fair, they’ve already had two chances. For may the game is unplayable and still will be after thix fix, you can’t blame them for being annoyed a year after release.

Also with all the focus on graphics, it seems not many here are actually bothered by the bugs in the actual flight sim part of the game which will remain and who knows when/if they will be fixed. It seems to me that although everyone here likes to feel superior to xbox users, most aren’t actually bothered about the simulator part of this so perhaps they’re not such serious simmers after all? Bad ATC, bad flight dynamics, bad flight planning and autopilot, terrible wind and turbulence replication (cross wind landings are absurdly easy, cumulonimbus are like flying through clear air) etc.etc. We may get a nice world scenery viewer, but when will we get a simulator?